I often wonder how or why people chose their email addresses. It's obvious when you're no-nonsense and choose something like Hilary.Jones or thechimneysweep. It's clear that these are just as they read; either your name or business. They're obvious. As are some others, like:
SexyBarmaid5 TexasEd29
But what happens when you come across ones like this:NoDecafPhantomPhetishladysparkspsychocollegemomBirdCandyWig_FlipperPookalotsiit seems many people chose their email address (or even domain name) to reflect who they are. They are trying to send a message by a phrase, words, or a letter and number combination. Or maybe, like my boyfriend, they just use whatever popped into their mind at the moment.
But what does it say about you, if anything? I have always agonized over my email address. Do I want to use my real name? Should I use a combination of my initals and my birth year? Do I want to sound sexy? Professional? Smart?
My email address is bellavenere@aol.com. I have others, but I've been using this one for years. And I didn't even really choose it myself; a guy I was dating at the time did.
He was Italian and spoke Italian, so I begged him to cone up with something in Italian that he thought suited me. So he chose BellaVenere. Which means, Beautiful Venus. Bella, of course, means beautiful and Venere, well that means Venus. And Venus (the planet) is the ruler of my astrological sign, Libra.
At first, I was flatterd. He thought I was beautiful! And he remembered my sign. Awwww. Now, I'm saddled with an email address that not only is hard to spell when giving it out, but also as I've been told on many occassions, sounds like an STD. Do I want to be represented by a planet, who although is beautiful, also sounds like a disease? Not really. But I've been reluctant to change it.
I'm torn because I've had it for so long (over ten years) and I'm hesitant to start the whole process over. That daunting task of creating a cool, edgy, unique name or phrase that will be my calling card. My online presence. My persona.
I've toyed with LadyTrucker and DazzlingDriver and HighwayHoney and all those trucking related monikers. I've also considered ones that encapsulate what I love, such as PhotoFiend and LadyBookWorm (although I don't read all that much!) or KitchenTemptress and EddiesGal. Or how about ones that relate to my size; MoreToLove and PlusWhereItMatters and DoubleDeeDamsel.
I suppose I can just go with my given name. Nothing is a secret anymore. And I was recently told that when my name is Googled, several pages come up. So in addition to those pages leading people here to my blog, you'll also be led other places, all of which I have no problem being associated with. Well, except for that nine month stint working at LMR; a placed ruled by pure evil and if it weren't for the four minute commute from my house, I would have left on the second day. I truly can't believe people still work there, but whatever; that has nothing to do with my email address.
So, people....do you have any suggestions? If you do, fling 'em my way. And also, if you have an unusual email address or domain name, let me know how you came up with it. I already know how some of my friends and family members came up with theirs, and even some of my blogging friends like The Hags and Michelle from Bleeding Espresso came up with theirs.
Tell me about you and yours.
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1 YEAR AGO: Farming The Wind
2 YEARS AGO: Eddie In The Big Little City Friday
3 YEARS AGO: Photograph It If You Think You May Never See It Again
4 YEARS AGO: Why???