This is why they ban truckers from parking in mall parking lots and generally public places. They apparently can't read.
This photo was taken at a truck-only parking area in Tennessee. Trash was scattered all over the parking area, but this particular pile was made up of random items and many, many plastic bags full of garbage. If you can't tell, this isn't a garbage bin. It's just a pole, with bags hanging off of it, and piled on the ground around it.
I will never understand why truckers find it necessary to dump trash in places it doesn't belong. I can (possibly) understand leaving your bag of trash here if you were walking and the burden of a trash bag was wearing you out, but if you're in a truck and you know you'll eventually be stopping to pee, get fuel, or stuff your face with Taco Bell, you can carry your bag of garbage with you until you get to the next rest area or truckstop and throw it away in a dumpster like a responsible human being.
What kind of loser just leaves their garbage like this? What are they thinking? I can only imagine the pigsty the inside of their truck must be. And the single-wide trailer they go home to probably looks like a hoarder's paradise. These are the people who pour out pee bottles in parking lots, causing the area to smell like a urinal. Worse, in hot weather.
Truckers are always bitching about how they get a bad rap and have a bad image.
Well, duh.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2014: Snapshot From The Road: Trucker Dogs
2013: The Luxurious Nomadic Life
2012: He’s Just As Handsome In Black And White
2011: Crab Cakes And The Chesapeake
2010: Young, Poor, Footloose And Fancy-Free
2009: Badass Badlands
2008: Proof That God Exists
2007: Spring In The Desert
2006: Shadows Of The Setting Sun
2005: Sorry, no post on this day. The blog didn’t start until May 2005!
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
We Both Share The Same Blood
James Corden of The Late Late Show goes on a car karaoke ride with Jennifer Hudson.
James isn't bad, but of course Jennifer is spectacular. This is totally what I sound like when I sing in the truck.
"I'd give anything to just smell Oprah's neck."
"I'd give anything to just smell Oprah's neck."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2014: My Choice
2013: Pregnant And Dating
2012: They Really Don’t Want You Coming Through This Gate
2011: Deep Down, She Knows She’s A Princess
2010: A Three Hundred And Fifty Foot Long Dream
2009: Dillinger The Horror Hog
2008: Supernatural Hair
2007: They Must Have Been On Sale
2006: Sorry, no post on this day.
2005: Sorry, no post on this day. The blog didn’t start until May 2005!
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
5 Foxy Links To Pass A Few Minutes
Got a coffee mug? You've got cake.
Don't know the difference between a beret and a cloche? A shirtwaist and a sheath? If you feel the need a fashion education, check this out.
New Yorkers are foxy. Here's proof.
Pineapple is my favorite, but there are 14 others on this list I think I need to try.
Yeah, yeah, sugar sucks. But exercise alone won't shed pounds. So glad to hear that.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2014: Flying Through The Links
2013: It All Started With A Tweet
2012: Waiting For Summer
2011: It Should Have Been Titled Boringpants
2010: Ed Blows A 750
2009: Another Reason I Love The Great Indoors
2008: We Think The Only Thing Worth Stealing From The House Would Have Been The Fresh Baked Apple Pie
2007: Not Nearly As Appealing As Gnocchi
2006: Working The Yard
2005: Sorry, no post on this day. The blog didn’t start until May 2005!
Monday, April 27, 2015
Cheese On Horseback
Today we were in Krebs, Oklahoma. Apparently, it's known as "Oklahoma's Little Italy". Krebs. Who knew?
It's located about 40 miles south of Checotah, Oklahoma ("where 69 meets 40", the hometown of Carrie Underwood!), in the land of no cellphone signal.
It's located about 40 miles south of Checotah, Oklahoma ("where 69 meets 40", the hometown of Carrie Underwood!), in the land of no cellphone signal.

While doing a little research on interesting attractions in the area - which is not much, unless you consider a maximum security penitentiary an "interesting attraction" - I came across information on Lovera's Italian Grocery. Housed in a 1910 sandstone building, Lovera's has been around since 1945.
When we pulled up, we were greeted by one of the employees who happened to be out front. Very welcoming. I loved the look of the building and was looking forward to going inside.
It was like stepping into a store on Arthur Avenue in the Bronx. In Oklahoma. Shocking. The place smelled delicious and they had everything.
We came for the cheese. It's the one thing mentioned in everything I read about the store. They had regular cheeses (feta, cheddar, brie, bleu, muenster, goat) and Italian cheeses (ricotta, mozzarella, grana padano, pecorina romano, parmigiano reggiano), but we were there for the Caciocavallo, their specialty.
We tasted all of the choices they had available, but wound up buying the aged Caciocavallo (which they call Caciocavera).
We also bought Sicilian Sausage, mostly because I liked the ingredients - pork, beef, salt, spices, fennel, romano cheese, wine, sugar. I can't wait to try it.
The store had a really great selection for its size. Lots of different boxed pastas, even more in the frozen section (gnocchi, ravioli, manicotti, etc.), polenta, and on the rack behind this one, a vast collection of oils and vinegars.
Here you'll see an insane collection of marinated vegetables, olives, pasta sauces, roasted red peppers, sun dried tomatoes, etc.
In the meantime, if you happen to be stuck south of Tulsa, you'll know where to get provisions. It's worth the trip.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2014: A Life That's Good
2013: The Big Weekend Event
2012: Bringing The Sea To The Sleeper Bunk
2011: The Lonely Road
2010: Boys’ Town, Old Digs And A Non-Working Number
2009: She Needs To Wear A Bell
2008: Budding
2007: I Hate When He Does That
2006: The Toes Of Summer Are Peeking Out
2005: Sorry, no post on this day. The blog didn’t start until May 2005!
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Oklahoma Tin
Corrugated tin building in McAlester, Oklahoma.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2014: She's There Already
2013: Still Waters Run Deep
2012: The Princess Of Fruits Welcomes You
2011: I Love This Lookout
2010: There Ain’t No Rodeo On This Rodeo
2009: Covering All The Bases
2008: Ed Fantasizes Out Loud
2007: Better Late Than Never
2006: The Last Best Chance
2005: Sorry, no post on this day. The blog didn’t start until May 2005!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2014: She's There Already
2013: Still Waters Run Deep
2012: The Princess Of Fruits Welcomes You
2011: I Love This Lookout
2010: There Ain’t No Rodeo On This Rodeo
2009: Covering All The Bases
2008: Ed Fantasizes Out Loud
2007: Better Late Than Never
2006: The Last Best Chance
2005: Sorry, no post on this day. The blog didn’t start until May 2005!
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Massive Collision In Wyoming
Source: |
The first one happened on April 16th. There were over 30 vehicles involved and 20 people were injured. The video below captures the vehicles as they crash into one another. I have watched this video over and over. It's not the best because it's narrow-screen cell phone video, but it captures each truck as they pass by and crash into the ones ahead of them. Watch with your volume turned up for full effect.
Among them - TransAm, AmeriFreight, CR England, Quest, Cowan, Action Cargo, Central Refrigerated Freight, an unknown car hauler (holy shit, he was flying), and of course, FedEx. And I say "of course, FedEx" because they are the number one offender in my book. Doesn't matter where I am - middle of Arkansas, traffic in Chicago, construction zone anywhere, there is a FedEx truck driving insanely fast. They always make me take notice. And usually, they're pulling doubles.
In the video above, the FedEx truck just speeds by, pulling two trailers, driving like it's a dry, sunny, summer day. What the fuck was he thinking?? Even the woman filming the video says (at 1:17), "Slow down. Slow down. Geez."
I can't tell you what the road was like because I wasn't there - although I've driven this stretch in Wyoming and have driven in other states with these same weather conditions - and likely, the road is slick. Maybe even icy. Even if, by some stroke of luck it wasn't, it's still snowing. And you can't see well. So why on earth would you be going so fast??
A reader from Wyoming (Hi, Juli!) sent me an email - she's been reading my blog for more than five years now - asking me what I thought about the accident. I know I probably shouldn't be judgmental (helloooo, do you read this blog?) because I'd hate if this kind of accident happened to us, causing my comments to bite me in the ass, but I really don't think it would. Because we don't drive that fast under stellar road conditions.
I just can't get past how fast those trucks were driving as they approached the accident. As Juli said, this area is known for having a treacherous stretch of highway. And if you drive this route regularly - which most truckers do - you should know that in winter, in snowy conditions, in icy conditions, in fog, you need to slow the hell down. I believe they wholly or in part contribute to their crashing into other trucks. I mean, the crunching. Oh my God, it's horrible to even hear. Imagine the impact??
This guy, a truck driver, got out and walked the wreckage to take a closer look at the crumpled trucks. It's really a miracle there weren't any fatalities.
I've been watching these videos all week and every time I do, my eyes are glued to the screen. I'm so glad everyone is equipped with cell phone cameras these days!
For more pictures of this accident, you can check here. There are lots of pictures, including some good aerial shots.
In addition, four days later, there was another accident on the same exact highway. This one caused a 60-car pileup, was fiery, and two people were killed. You would think Wyoming, knowing this is an area that's seen over 400 crashes in the past 10 years, would just lower the speed limit to 45 mph for the ten miles where the most incidents happen. If you have a problem driving 45 for 10 minutes, you probably shouldn't be on the road in the first place.
If you're a truck driver reading this, please slow down. You know who you are. I've seen you. You've cut me off or caused my truck to sway as you speed by me. You're the one who changes lanes without signaling, who speeds through construction zones, who tailgates other drivers - usually terrorizing passenger cars by riding their asses. Just stop.
If you're a passenger vehicle driver, also drive slower. And remember to stay far away from commercial vehicles of any kind. Don't tailgate, don't ride next to a truck for a long period of time, don't cut in front of us, and not related to this particular accident, learn how to MERGE.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2014: Even His Feet Are Handsome
2013: Not Evolved Enough To Clap Just Yet
2012: A Cat’s Life
2011: Not So Lucky
2010: A Capitol Idea
2009: Blooming Where The Sun Don’t Shine
2008: Eddie Wakes Up Smiling Friday
2007: Gnocchi From The Gods
2006: Blurry Super Hero
2005: Sorry, no post on this day. The blog didn’t start until May 2005!
2012: A Cat’s Life
2011: Not So Lucky
2010: A Capitol Idea
2009: Blooming Where The Sun Don’t Shine
2008: Eddie Wakes Up Smiling Friday
2007: Gnocchi From The Gods
2006: Blurry Super Hero
2005: Sorry, no post on this day. The blog didn’t start until May 2005!
Friday, April 24, 2015
I Would Never Mute This Commerical
"That's my biggest nightmare - dying on an empty stomach."
I hate most commercials, and when watching TV I usually mute them. There are only one or two that I can tolerate - Geico, Jake from State Farm - and although I haven't seen these Volkswagon commercials on TV, I've watched every one of them online.
These women are THE BEST.
And Mary, the woman in the back seat, just named all the food I grew up on. Every single one.
I think she lived in my neighborhood in the Bronx.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2014: State Line
2013: No Pity
2012: Stop Grackling!
2011: Chicks And Kids
2010: Ultima Lavada 9:00 PM
2009: Eddie Touches Up The Old Girl Friday
2008: The Morning Sun Greets Guadalupe
2007: Starting Soon. No, Really.
2006: This Mary Doesn’t Go To Pre-School
2005: Sorry, no post on this day. The blog didn’t start until May 2005!
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Continental Divide Trading Post on I-10 in Separ, New Mexico, between Lordsburg and Deming. The place looks like a dive - I haven't been inside - but I stopped here to do a load check just as the morning sun was coming up.
I liked how the colors looked against the morning sky and the tee-pee in the back lent a nice Southwestern touch.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2014: Ghosts Of Retail
2013: Orange Is The Devil
2012: Sixteen Hundred Miles Makes All The Difference
2011: In Need Of Some Color
2010: 122 Years And Counting
2009: Sixteen Days Old
2008: Racism Comes With A Convenient Handle
2007: Evening Tide
2006: Glittering Pasties And Swinging Tassles
2005: Sorry, no post on this day. The blog didn’t start until May 2005!
I liked how the colors looked against the morning sky and the tee-pee in the back lent a nice Southwestern touch.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2014: Ghosts Of Retail
2013: Orange Is The Devil
2012: Sixteen Hundred Miles Makes All The Difference
2011: In Need Of Some Color
2010: 122 Years And Counting
2009: Sixteen Days Old
2008: Racism Comes With A Convenient Handle
2007: Evening Tide
2006: Glittering Pasties And Swinging Tassles
2005: Sorry, no post on this day. The blog didn’t start until May 2005!
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2014: Ciudad Juárez En La Noche
2013: Live It Up!
2012: The Last Supper
2011: New York Always Stands Out
2010: Visitor Number 933 To Room 525
2009: Makes A Nice Desktop
2008: Leaning Tower Of Texas
2007: It Should Be Called “Thimble Shot”
2006: Southern Hideaway
2005: Sorry, no post on this day. The blog didn’t start until May 2005!
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Rocks in the canyon along Interstate-8 in California between San Diego and Calexico.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2014: Sitting In The Sun Of The Southwest
2013: The Sunniest Black Hole
2012: A Visit From Woodland Creatures
2011: The Man I’m Spending My Nights With
2010: Let’s Hope This Industrious City Can Get Our Truck Fixed
2009: Free Range Horns And Humps
2008: The Earth Is Sending The Paper To The Folder
2007: Some People Are SAD; I Am Not One Of Them
2006: An Eye For Fashion…And Other Things
2005: Sorry, no post on this day. The blog didn’t start until May 2005!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2014: Sitting In The Sun Of The Southwest
2013: The Sunniest Black Hole
2012: A Visit From Woodland Creatures
2011: The Man I’m Spending My Nights With
2010: Let’s Hope This Industrious City Can Get Our Truck Fixed
2009: Free Range Horns And Humps
2008: The Earth Is Sending The Paper To The Folder
2007: Some People Are SAD; I Am Not One Of Them
2006: An Eye For Fashion…And Other Things
2005: Sorry, no post on this day. The blog didn’t start until May 2005!
Monday, April 20, 2015
California Field
I call this one Field II. I'd like $3 million dollars for it.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2014: Happy Easter!
2013: A Tree Grows In A Truck Stop
2012: The Herb Whisperer
2011: Turning Tables With Adele
2010: A Different Kind Of Dumster Diving
2009: Federal Glow
2008: My Mother Is An Oxymoron
2007: The Restroom Shell Game
2006: The Pressure
2005: Sorry, no post on this day. The blog didn’t start until May 2005!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2014: Happy Easter!
2013: A Tree Grows In A Truck Stop
2012: The Herb Whisperer
2011: Turning Tables With Adele
2010: A Different Kind Of Dumster Diving
2009: Federal Glow
2008: My Mother Is An Oxymoron
2007: The Restroom Shell Game
2006: The Pressure
2005: Sorry, no post on this day. The blog didn’t start until May 2005!
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Where The Good Girls Run Into Trouble
Bad Route Road in Montana.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2014: Feed The Children Of The World
2013: Burst Of Power
2012: If This Worked, I’d Become A Cannibal
2011: How I While Away The Hours
2010: Incredibly Average, Yet Heroic If Necessary
2009: May I Take A Message?
2008: Doing The Speed Limit In Your Sleep
2007: Now I Can Go Back To Watching The Show
2006: Ten Of Life’s Simplest Pleasures
2005: Sorry, no post on this day. The blog didn’t start until May 2005!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2014: Feed The Children Of The World
2013: Burst Of Power
2012: If This Worked, I’d Become A Cannibal
2011: How I While Away The Hours
2010: Incredibly Average, Yet Heroic If Necessary
2009: May I Take A Message?
2008: Doing The Speed Limit In Your Sleep
2007: Now I Can Go Back To Watching The Show
2006: Ten Of Life’s Simplest Pleasures
2005: Sorry, no post on this day. The blog didn’t start until May 2005!
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Truck Yeah
Well, while knocking around Jalopnik I saw the video above and it was only then that I realized they also had a section called Truck Yeah that included information on semi-trucks.
I found that Learning to Drive a Semi-Truck is Harder Than You Think. Whatever.
I learned why whales are nature's assholes.
And I've seen something online that I've never seen in person. Ever.
If you want to see more, check out the entire Jalopnik Truck Yeah Big Rig category HERE.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2014: Break Time Selfie
2013: The Glories Of Our Journey
2012: The Herb Whisperer
2011: The Switch Between Morning Glory And Country Strong
2010: Name That Tree
2009: Getting Plowed
2008: Eddie Friday In Squares
2007: The Color Of Elizabeth’s Eyes
2006: The Result Of A Little Flax In Your Diet
2005: Sorry, no post on this day. The blog didn’t start until May 2005!
Friday, April 17, 2015
Do You Give Good Internet? I'll Be Right There.
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Somewhere in the hell that is Nevada. |
Ed has been using computers since he was a kid. He learned how to build them from scratch - you know, motherboards and all that mumbo-jumbo. I first worked on a computer in the late 80s and was instantly amazed by it, but it would be years until I owned my own, and I'd never even seen a laptop in person. In fact, Ed was the first person I knew with a laptop and I got my first laptop just 10 years ago.
And I loved it. Loved the laptop. Loved the portability of it. Loved the Internet LOVED when I got my first iPhone. Technology is truly amazing and I haven't even tapped into the tip of its pinky.
It has changed me. I don't know if that's good or bad, but it is. Here are ten things that have happened to me as a direct result of technology and the Internet.
1. In some ways, it's affected the way I socialize, like myriad articles say it's done to many people. I'm not anti-social or anything like that - that'd be crazy, especially knowing how much I like to talk and interact with people - but in most cases, these days, I'd much rather email or text. I'm an obsessive email checker and I'm usually available when texts come in, even in the middle of the night. I'll crack a tired eye just to make sure I don't miss anything.
2. I usually only talk on the phone or a long time if I'm driving, because that's the one time I have no distractions. If I'm not driving, I'm surfing the Internet or checking email.
3. I research everything. Mid-sentence, mid book-reading, even mid phone call. If I want to know something, I stop what I'm doing and Google it. I love being able to do that. And some of the extra knowledge that seeped into my noggin has often come in handy.
4. I don't watch the news on TV or listen to it on the radio, but with the Internet I can read about any story happening anywhere in the world. I'd never been much of a news bug but I like that I can quickly skim a few sites and feel like I'm caught up. In addition, I have friends who email me stories they know I'd be interested in, and there are always the people posting pertinent happenings on Facebook and Twitter.
5. My hand actually gets fatigued when I use a pen and paper. I can't write for an extended period of time without needing a nap. Oddly, typing doesn't do the same thing.
6. I swipe anything with a screen.
7. I'm annoyed by random comments online from friends or strangers. Things I would have never heard prior to the Internet. I would never be subjected to the pathetic postings of Someecards telling me how, if they're single, they should be loved more because they're a great catch, and if they're married and have kids, I have to read about how fantastic their husband is, or how amazing their kids are. I can't click away from the screen quickly enough and because I've already seen it, and I still want to punch them right in the lip.
8. I have wasted days planning vacations because I can't turn away from the Trip Advisor reviews. I click and click and click. Like a drug addict. I read reviews about the same exact place that range from "worst vacation I've ever taken" to "I can't wait to go back, it was the trip of a lifetime". It makes me so uneasy, I'm always one click from canceling my reservations.
9. I've always been pretty smart - really, ask my mother - but as smart as I think I am, using the internet does make me feel as if I'm way way way smarter. I mean, helloooo, the information is right there before my very eyes. At the very tips of my fingers. In my hands at all times. It's wonderful and maddening at the same time.
10. I don't watch nearly as many videos as some people do - some people really have no lives - but I do waste plenty time looking at stuff like this and this and this (I can't even count how many times I've watched that one).
And even though most of these things have completely changed my life and caused me serious eyeball strain, I still love the Internet.
In fact, I just told Ed today - when we were in an area where we were having trouble getting the satellite TV to come in - that I could easily go without TV. But the Internet?
No way. Never. I wouldn't survive.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2014: Where Are We?
2013: Where You'd Go For Camel Repair
2012: The Color Of Happy
2011: Taking Possession Of The Sound
2010: The Bridge People
2009: Knocking Us Off One Candy Bar At A Time
2008: How To Entertain Yourself When Hanging Out With Sight Impaired Adults
2007: Is It REALLY Such A Mystery??
2006: Heading South And Going Country
2005: Sorry, no post on this day. The blog didn’t start until May 2005!
Thursday, April 16, 2015
A Delicious Bridge And Tunnel
The Monitor-Merrimac Memorial Bridge-Tunnel (MMMBT) in Hampton Roads, Virginia.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2014: More Important Than Taxes
2013: Stadium Seating
2012: Where Ed Was Found Roaming The Aisles
2011: If You Happen To Have A Few Hundred Million Lying Around, Have I Got A Deal For You
2010: Another Day At The Port
2009: Buggin’ Out
2008: Hangin’ Out With Ray Stoker Jr.
2007: Sunset On The Move
2006: Happy Easter
2005: Sorry, no post on this day. The blog didn’t start until May 2005!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2014: More Important Than Taxes
2013: Stadium Seating
2012: Where Ed Was Found Roaming The Aisles
2011: If You Happen To Have A Few Hundred Million Lying Around, Have I Got A Deal For You
2010: Another Day At The Port
2009: Buggin’ Out
2008: Hangin’ Out With Ray Stoker Jr.
2007: Sunset On The Move
2006: Happy Easter
2005: Sorry, no post on this day. The blog didn’t start until May 2005!
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
The Eggplant Link Is The Tastiest
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Photo Lighter Side of Real Estate |
Sweet potato in place of bread? Count me in.
I'm hungry. Can you tell? Because these zucchini chips look good too.
I've written about this building in the past and I'm still a little bummed to know that they're bent on getting rid of it.
She sheds? Check out the photo above. They're cute but don't we already have the entire house to ourselves?
I love this idea. I bought a few of these in Port Townsend on one of my visits - one for my mother, another for a friend - but I really like the idea of making them into pendant lights.
I've heard a lot of people talk about traveling by rail. It definitely looks like something I'd like.
This really narrows it down - just in case you were looking for fixer-upper properties around the country.
Annndddd.....a little bit of psychology.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2014: Compliance By Guilt
2013: The Difference A Zero Makes
2012: Pre-Digital
2011: The Sun Sets On The Roughrider State
2010: Diamond Studded Proof
2009: How A Book Defies Its Cover
2008: How To Up Your Chances For A Sweet Monkey Lovin’ Romp
2007: Activities Director
2006: Ah, But It Is SO Worth It
2005: Sorry, no post on this day. The blog didn’t start until May 2005!
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Spring In The Sky
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2014: Power To The Tree
2013: For Mommy
2012: There’s Always Room For La Dolce Vita
2011: Drop It Like It’s Hot
2010: The Art Of Being Tardy
2009: Vantage Point
2008: Cape Cahd Hadba
2007: Waxing Brilliant
2006: Seven! Seven! Seven! Seven! Seveeeeennnn!
2005: Sorry, no post on this day. The blog didn’t start until May 2005!
Monday, April 13, 2015
Union Wharf
The next couple of days will be photos - I'm driving and have no time to write.
Here's a picture of Union Wharf in Port Townsend, Washington to fill the space.
See you on the other side of the country!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2014: Mysterious Exercise
2013: Doris Day Spends The Weekend In Texas
2012: Evening Ball
2011: Taxes And Ta-Tas
2010: Ah, The Subtle Contrasts Of New Jersey
2009: A Fishy Pishy Is Never Dishy
2008: Before The Luck Ran Out
2006: Five Guys I’m In Love With This Week
2005: Sorry, no post on this day. The blog didn’t start until May 2005!
Here's a picture of Union Wharf in Port Townsend, Washington to fill the space.
See you on the other side of the country!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2014: Mysterious Exercise
2013: Doris Day Spends The Weekend In Texas
2012: Evening Ball
2011: Taxes And Ta-Tas
2010: Ah, The Subtle Contrasts Of New Jersey
2009: A Fishy Pishy Is Never Dishy
2008: Before The Luck Ran Out
2006: Five Guys I’m In Love With This Week
2005: Sorry, no post on this day. The blog didn’t start until May 2005!
Sunday, April 12, 2015
There's A Killer Whale On My Sightseeing List
Today is our last day on the Olympic Peninsula. I'm afraid I don't have anything exciting to report. We decided to make a trip into town, have lunch, stock up on groceries, and take a few more pictures before we departed.
There's really not much to do in this area but we do like to get out and explore a bit, even if it's just for a short drive. Yesterday while out a bright yellow bi-plane flew super-low, right over our truck, and landed at a small local airport. Oooooo, the thrill.
Our first stop was Boat Haven at the Port Townsend marina. Ed wanted to check the moorage fees for his fantasy boat. Turns out there's a four year waiting list for permanent moorage. Whew! Dodged that bullet.
There were two tonight, having a leisurely evening meal of grass.
So, that's all the excitement we had this weekend. Tomorrow we're back to work, heading clear across the country to the east coast, which I'm pretty happy about.
I have a few other things I want to see in the area, but the first thing on our list for next time will definitely be a whale watching trip!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2014: You Look Hungry, Take These For Later
2013: A Dumpster Diver's Dream
2012: Reigning Over Sitting 300 Days A Year
2011: Raining In Baltimore
2010: Back That Ass Up
2009: Shaved, Slivered, Sliced, Grated, Chunked, And Best Of All, In Meatballs
2008: Too Small For America?
2007: Waiting For A Beautiful Balsamic Splash
2006: Other Weird Things In Utah
2005: Sorry, no post on this day. The blog didn’t start until May 2005!
There's really not much to do in this area but we do like to get out and explore a bit, even if it's just for a short drive. Yesterday while out a bright yellow bi-plane flew super-low, right over our truck, and landed at a small local airport. Oooooo, the thrill.
Our first stop was Boat Haven at the Port Townsend marina. Ed wanted to check the moorage fees for his fantasy boat. Turns out there's a four year waiting list for permanent moorage. Whew! Dodged that bullet.
We also visited the local paper mill on this visit - the one where Debra Winger and her friend worked in the movie An Officer and a Gentleman. The stacks at the mill always emit a steady stream of thick white steam and sometimes the smell from the mill is overpowering depending on which way the wind is blowing. It sucks when you wind up directly in its acrid path.
We've eaten at many of the restaurants in town, visited the shops each time we've been here, and checked out most of the local attractions. We're not kayakers , hikers, or very outdoorsy people - well, more like I'm not - so that eliminates some of the things to do in this area.
Today we took the Uptown route into town - the street sits on a high bluff overlooking Port Townsend Bay. The weather cleared up a bit and the view, as always, did not disappoint.
We've eaten at many of the restaurants in town, visited the shops each time we've been here, and checked out most of the local attractions. We're not kayakers , hikers, or very outdoorsy people - well, more like I'm not - so that eliminates some of the things to do in this area.
Today we took the Uptown route into town - the street sits on a high bluff overlooking Port Townsend Bay. The weather cleared up a bit and the view, as always, did not disappoint.
I gotta tell ya, the one thing we are kind of pissed at ourselves for, that we just realized today while reading one of the local tourist magazines at lunch, is that we could have taken a Whale Watching Tour while we were here!
I don't know where our heads were since we had plenty of time to do it - we've been here nine days this visit - but for some reason we just never read about it or talked about it or looked into it. I'm more annoyed at myself since I'm a consummate researcher when it comes to what we do in our down time. I totally dropped the ball on this one.
We'll have to save it for next time.
We finished up in town and headed back to our parking spot. I love the place we hang out while we're here, it's quiet and very relaxing. We've got power and water hookup (so no noisy, smelly generator) and have a great water view.
The only activity in the area is the wildlife we see on our drive in. There is no shortage of seagulls - we see those every visit - but the coyote was a new one for us. We've been told there's a bear and a few raccoons, although we haven't seen either of those, and the only animal we always see are deer.
We'll have to save it for next time.
We finished up in town and headed back to our parking spot. I love the place we hang out while we're here, it's quiet and very relaxing. We've got power and water hookup (so no noisy, smelly generator) and have a great water view.
The only activity in the area is the wildlife we see on our drive in. There is no shortage of seagulls - we see those every visit - but the coyote was a new one for us. We've been told there's a bear and a few raccoons, although we haven't seen either of those, and the only animal we always see are deer.
There were two tonight, having a leisurely evening meal of grass.
So, that's all the excitement we had this weekend. Tomorrow we're back to work, heading clear across the country to the east coast, which I'm pretty happy about.
I have a few other things I want to see in the area, but the first thing on our list for next time will definitely be a whale watching trip!
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2014: You Look Hungry, Take These For Later
2013: A Dumpster Diver's Dream
2012: Reigning Over Sitting 300 Days A Year
2011: Raining In Baltimore
2010: Back That Ass Up
2009: Shaved, Slivered, Sliced, Grated, Chunked, And Best Of All, In Meatballs
2008: Too Small For America?
2007: Waiting For A Beautiful Balsamic Splash
2006: Other Weird Things In Utah
2005: Sorry, no post on this day. The blog didn’t start until May 2005!
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Visually Artistic Lighting
Every time we've been in Port Townsend, Washington, I've wanted to stop in and explore the Vintage Hardware & Lighting store. The store, a large two-story building, sits in a prominent location on a traffic circle that we travel through to get to the main downtown area.
The products displayed in the store windows kept calling my name, and although I don't need chandeliers for my truck - or antiques, for that matter - I still wanted to take a look. Their inventory is large but the most unique aspect of the store is located on the upper floor. They have an Art Deco Light Museum.
Several rows of display cases displayed lighting fixtures from the Great Depression years of 1928 to 1938. Their promotional flyer for the museum states, "When fallen businessmen were selling apples on street corners for a penny, some of these fixtures sold for over $25."
And they are beautiful. Each showcase had chandeliers and coordinating sconces accompanied by a display card detailing the manufacturer (if known), the year of manufacture, the materials used, the design names, etc. It was quite an education.
It is the world's only American Art Deco Light Museum. Chosen from over 2,000 fixtures, a unique group has been selected for display in the museum. The museum website says, "It's estimated that you could visit 100 antique shops before finding one of these fine lights. Some rare "slip shade" lights could not be found even if you visited 10,000 antique shops."
It was quite a treat. I loved seeing these fixtures, knowing that they were very likely the same as the ones used in the home of this historic town.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2014: I Lost Sleep Looking At All These Links
2013: Five Facets Of Comfort
2012: The Daily Rant Brings You The Daily Commute
2011: Not For The Shy
2010: A Barge And A Lady
2009: Easter Preparation Takes Its Toll
2008: Eddie In The Blue Friday
2007: The Man Filter
2006: There Is Still A Chance
2005: Sorry, no post on this day. The blog didn’t start until May 2005!
Friday, April 10, 2015
Vintage Heaven
Yesterday on our walk we discovered the most fantastic place - Bergstrom's Antique & Classic Autos located on Washington Street in Port Townsend, Washington. It's housed in an original 1917 auto garage.
It was the most fantastic collection of automobile memorabilia I've ever seen. They had license plates, hubcaps, tail lights, side view mirrors, speedometers...
Magazines, Chilton manuals, advertising, books, and tons of other written material for cars dating back decades.
There were cars for sale, metal advertising signs, old car parts...
Toys, key chains, hood ornaments.
Metal and plastic emblems and badges with make and model names. These are awesome. I want one but couldn't decide which, so I'll probably be going back to the store after I've made my decision.
An original Texaco sign, made of metal, with two original Texaco stars. An original Hupmobile sign hanging in the background, a motorcycle in the foreground.
There were old tools of all kinds - wrenches, an oil can, and in the upper left of this photo, a hand-powered grinder.
This 1953 Mercury was for sale for $19,900. I love the mint green color.
And this restored 1956 Texaco Sky Chief Tokheim gas pump priced at $3,500.
If you have a love for anything to do with cars, this is the place you need to visit. It's a man's paradise and the perfect place to find a gift for the vintage car aficionado in your life.
This place ranks at the top of the list of my favorite shops in Port Townsend. What great surprises we've found in this little town!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2014: No Wonder China Is The Exporting Superpower
2013: 109 Miles Of White Knuckle Passengering
2012: Strong
2011: The Man Unmasked
2010: Fingers Crossed For All Things Motorized!
2009: Eddie Forces A Smile Friday
2008: A, B, C, D, DD: No Matter What The Letter, The Trauma Is The Same
2007: How To Watch American Idol The Right Way
2006: Dings And Hos
2005: Sorry, no post on this day. The blog didn’t start until May 2005!
It was the most fantastic collection of automobile memorabilia I've ever seen. They had license plates, hubcaps, tail lights, side view mirrors, speedometers...
Magazines, Chilton manuals, advertising, books, and tons of other written material for cars dating back decades.
Tune-up charts from as early as 1941...
There were cars for sale, metal advertising signs, old car parts...
Toys, key chains, hood ornaments.
Metal and plastic emblems and badges with make and model names. These are awesome. I want one but couldn't decide which, so I'll probably be going back to the store after I've made my decision.
An original Texaco sign, made of metal, with two original Texaco stars. An original Hupmobile sign hanging in the background, a motorcycle in the foreground.
There were old tools of all kinds - wrenches, an oil can, and in the upper left of this photo, a hand-powered grinder.
This 1953 Mercury was for sale for $19,900. I love the mint green color.
And this restored 1956 Texaco Sky Chief Tokheim gas pump priced at $3,500.
If you have a love for anything to do with cars, this is the place you need to visit. It's a man's paradise and the perfect place to find a gift for the vintage car aficionado in your life.
This place ranks at the top of the list of my favorite shops in Port Townsend. What great surprises we've found in this little town!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2014: No Wonder China Is The Exporting Superpower
2013: 109 Miles Of White Knuckle Passengering
2012: Strong
2011: The Man Unmasked
2010: Fingers Crossed For All Things Motorized!
2009: Eddie Forces A Smile Friday
2008: A, B, C, D, DD: No Matter What The Letter, The Trauma Is The Same
2007: How To Watch American Idol The Right Way
2006: Dings And Hos
2005: Sorry, no post on this day. The blog didn’t start until May 2005!
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