And this guy....did he just have extra tape to use up?
When the winners were announced, the crowd went wild! Jeff Fields won the Grand Prize $50,000 truck makeover and Robert Jones won a trip for two to Las Vegas for the ACDelco NHRA Nationals (ugh, race cars) but we made off with a portable CD/DVD/MP3 Player and a $100 gift certificate to use towards the purchase of DVD's!! Now you know we'll be using that prize since we are such movie hounds!
We had a great time at the show and were thrilled to be part of the contest. The people from BP Lubricants and Castrol were just wonderful with us. They supplied us with t-shirts and baseball caps, an abundant supply of their new Castrol Tection Extra oil, and a great DVD player that will surely be worn out by the end of the year. Ed will also be featured along with the other two winners in upcoming trucking industry magazines. We will let you know when the articles are out!
As a result of our win, Eddie and I decided we are going to enter more contests since we seem to be having a streak of luck lately. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some DVD's to watch.
You know how hard it is for me to get TV on the road, let alone Bravo, but I will be looking for her show and watching it at EVERY opportunity. I know some people think these reality/following a celebrity's life type of shows are crap, but I happen to like this one. She makes me laugh and that's the most important thing.
Of course, I've seen Kathy in the past but she doesn't seem to be on TV as often as she should be. I am so glad I rediscovered her. I'm now a fan. Die hard, even.
Buy her DVD - it's available on her website www.kathygriffin.net or through www.amazon.com, www.bestbuy.com or www.suncoast.com. Check it out. Buy it!!
Bravo! Kathy Griffin and Bravo! Bravo.
Today is my father's birthday and I can't ever remember a time when I didn't want to be like him. In many ways, I am. And I love it.
Before I was born, my father decorated my room. He didn't know I was going to be a girl (because in those days you just didn't know) yet he swathed my room in pink and made a silver stork out of tin foil to hang over the crib. He was thrilled that I turned out to be a baby girl and I became his Princess that very instant.
He bought me my first fur coat, my first Easter bonnet, my first pair of patent leather shoes and my first dress. He always bought me flowers and a heart shaped box of chocolates on Valentine's Day. He was there for my first school play and my first Holy Communion. He was devastatingly handsome and always made me feel like the most special girl in the world.
He taught me how to stand up for myself in school. He explained the tactics of a Kamikaze. He taught me, unintentionally, how to lie to get out of going to work when you had something more fun to do (a fractured eyelash is hard to argue with). He taught me how to cook. He taught me how to play horseshoes and ring toss. He told me you can always judge a man by his shoes and he told me to listen to my mother (which he still tells me).
Our house was always warm and loving and welcoming. My parents entertained quite a bit. As my mother "worked the room", my father cooked, told jokes, made Johnny Mathis a little louder and smacked my mother on the ass as she walked by. He had the best looking woman in the room and he wanted to make it known. A little Neanderthal, I guess, but that was the 70's. He is a Leo and he personified it in every way.
Daddy was not always the best with words, but he always made himself heard. I would say "I love you" to him and he would say "me to you" back. Even without the actual words, I knew he loved me. I still do. He would frequently ask about the oil in my car (did I change it?), my tires (are they bald yet?), my boyfriends (is he treating you right? Cause if he isn't, I'll kill him), my jobs (if you just applied yourself...), my money situation (here's a twenty) and my diet (just eat salad, chicken and water - it's easy).
We have become closer in the last few years and I have been able to spend much more time with him than I used to. I've always made time for him in my life and I am constantly in contact with him, but this time it's different. I feel like I'm getting to know him a little better and I know that he loves my presence in his life. I can feel it when I'm with him. I can see the love in his eyes. He chokes up sometimes when he talks and thinks I don't notice. He will sniff, then wipe his eye, pretending he has something in it. And he hugs me a little harder and a lot longer when I leave.
I can probably make a cloth of love now, but I want to know deeper who he is. I want more years with him and I want more of his words.
A girl can never have enough gold.
She will no doubt enhance not only her own knowledge, but the experience of others while in school since she is a RAY of sunshine that can't be shut out by even the darkest cloud. I can't wait to hear about her experience, as I know it will be told in squeals of laughter and gasps of "guess what?".
The sad part is easy too. My best friend Vicki, her mother, left alone for the first time in 4.5 years without Mina by her side. There were tears. Several times. And when Mina told Vicki that she was allowed to walk her to the door of school but NOT down the hallway to her classroom, I can hear the shards of Vicki's heart hitting the floor. Of course, that sound would have most definitely been covered by the laughter that I KNOW came out of Vicki's mouth with Mina just saying something so......so.....grown up. LOL
In just 6 days, Vicki will have the entire MORNING to herself. Both kids will be in school. She will be alone, really alone, for the first time in 6.5 years. She needs me. I better head South. Quick. But first, I have to stop off and get some Diet Coke, Oreos, Nutty Buddy ice cream, Chinky, some chick flicks and.....? It's going to be like old times. Just me and Vick.
Things just have a way of coming back around, don't they?
(Photos courtesy of the internet)
Seeing people hot air ballooning in the clear Northwestern skies,
And viewing the ruins of what might have been a stopping point on the trek towards the Cascade Mountains,
my Eddie received a phonecall. He was very happy, smiling and must have said "wow" about 27 times in 7 minutes.
When the call ended, I found out that he was talking to the marketing representative from Castrol. We had submitted an entry for the $50,000 Big Honkin' Truck Makeover contest (sponsored by Castrol and BP Lubricants) a few weeks ago. The representative was calling to inform us that our entry was chosen as one of the three finalists!!
The final judging is now left in the hands of the attendees of the Great American Trucking Show in Dallas this August 25-27. Keep your fingers crossed. Pray, place bets (on us as a winner), put it on your wish list or in your God box but make sure you will us to win! The winners are announced August 27, 2005...I will keep you posted!! I think being up here in this beautiful country has been lucky for us!
Alis Volat Propiis is the state motto for Oregon. It's latin for She Flies With Her Own Wings. The creators of this state motto felt that it reflected Oregon's tradition of independence and innovation.
While driving through the scenic majestic pines, viewing the landscape in the mirrors of the lakes and rivers and breathing in the fresh, clean air, it makes you feel that the meaning of independence can only be freedom, privilege, liberty and supreme sovereignty.