One morning, Ed went out to the truck and noticed that the hub seal caps on our steer tires (which are the two front tires of the truck) had been popped off and were lying in the dirt next to each tire.
His first thought was, sabotage. "Someone messed with my truck." he said.
"What do you mean?" I said.
"When I came out this morning, the hub seals were laying in the dirt. They were pried off the wheels. Must have been some kids." he said.
"Why would kids be messing with your truck? And if they did do it, why would they leave them right next to the wheels on the ground instead of taking them?" I said. We've had people walk through our yard as a shortcut, so it wasn't unreasonable. Unlikely, but not unreasonable.
"I don't know. Maybe they don't like that we park here." he said.
"Nah, that's not it." I said, still wondering how it was possible that they were neatly off the wheels, lying in the dirt. We never did figure it out.
Fast forward to this trip home. We parked the truck in a different spot in our driveway because our friends were coming by to visit and we needed to be able to fit their truck in the driveway also - two semi trucks, snug as a bug in a rug.
The next morning when Ed got up, he noticed that one of the hub seal caps was off the truck again. Just one, but there it was, lying on the ground. Once again, Ed launched into his theory about how someone was "screwing with" him and his truck. Except now the reason was because there were two trucks were in the driveway. A neighbor must be pissed. Or some kid came through and decided it would be funny.
I didn't buy any of the scenarios he was coming up with. "It must be an animal." I said.
"Really? An animal?? So he just came up with his little paws and pried the hub seal off?" Ed said.
"Yeah. Somehow, an animal must be doing it; maybe he's attracted to the sweet oil smell or taste or something. What else could it be? It's not like people are sneaking around our backyard in the dark just to screw with your truck." I said. We went to bed, perplexed.
The next morning when we got up, both hub seals were off the tires and lying on the ground. Something was definitely up. I told Ed to check the video to see what it was. He immediately took a look at the footage from that evening. We went to bed pretty late, and had to get up at five to see our friends off, so there wasn't too much he had to look through.
Then, at 2:32 am local time (the clock in the video is set on Central Time, which is what we use in the truck), we discovered who the culprit was. Watch very closely...
Once our friends found out that dangerous wild boars roamed the property - in addition to a bobcat, a mountain lion, rattlesnakes, and bees, they weren't too keen on going outside. Imagine what they're going to think when they find out our wild animals are also vandals!
Add these varmints to the dust, the brutal heat, and the hateful politics, and it makes you wonder why anyone even inhabits this godforsaken place.
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2011: My Office Window
2010: All The Live-Long Day
2009: What Every Child Leaves Behind
2008: What Happened To Being Human?
2007: I’ve Been Everywhere, Man
2006: Gulf Shore Toe Magnets
2005: Sorry, no post on this day.