Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Insane In The Holiday Brain
Dear. Mother. Of. God. Doesn't everyone know the economy is in the toilet?? STOP shopping, people. Go home. Save your money. Make crafty presents this year. And get the hell out of my way!! I don't have time to make crafty presents.
And...because I'm once again participating in the UPS Run With The Devil, I barely have time to shop at all. Again this year, Ed and I will help UPS deliver their packages. Three weeks of drive/sleep/drive/sleep/drive/sleep; this is not at ALL our usual routine. Where is the time for a latte? How am I going to have a leisurely lunch at Chipotle? What if I need an emergency mani/pedi??
It's not happening. We leave on December 3rd and return home on December 25th. Uh, yeah, Christmas Day. So this year I have to have ALL of my shopping done before I leave on Wednesday morning; wrapped and ready to be put under the tree. Oh, no pressure at all.
Did I mention I hate shopping? Stores on the day after the day after Thanksgiving (otherwise known as Black Friday) are just as horrible to shop in as they are on that day. The madness has just begun. My main concentration will be my three nephews, who just happen to be the three hardest people to buy for. And to make it worse, one of them has a birthday a few days after Christmas, so I have to shop for that too. My head hurts.
If your gift doesn't make it on time this year, cut me some slack; you might get it by July.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Nutty Friday
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
I guess I can say he's only interested in photography because of me, so I suppose I can take a little bit of the credit!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The Only Reason Men Do Things Is Because Their Wives MAKE Them
"And how long has this been going on?" the doctor asked.
"A while..." my step-father hesitated.
The doctor commented on how long it had been since his last saw him and said, "So what made you come in for this visit?"
"Well...my wife made the appointment because she caught me driving with one eye."
Is this what it takes to get a man to go see a doctor once in a great while??? If it were up to him, he wouldn't have gone in until he woke up blind.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Pssst! The Fish Are In The Water. Check The Water.
During breeding time the great egret has beautiful lacy white plumes on its back and tail. Unfortunately, these feathers are what almost caused the bird to become extinct. Before it was protected by law, the great egret was hunted and killed for those lovely white plumes.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
What Price Fun?

First, it's in Florida. And what does Florida have? That's right, lots of sun. And what does lots of sun produce? Right again, lots of heat. And heat can be the deciding factor in whether I'm going to hate something or not. Want me at your wedding? Don't have it in June. Think I'll attend your kids graduation? Not likely, if it's outdoors. Considering inviting me for a day of "laying out" by the pool? Think again.
So the mere fact that EPCOT is in Florida meant this "adventure" was already inching its way over to the Never Gonna Happen column. Add to the heat factor the other main component of Disney World, kids, and the chances of me wanting to be there exponentially decrease. I was not about to sit in the truck by myself though, so I gave in and decided to join Ed. I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised. It was a really nice day (and by nice I mean, not too hot) and the parking lot was barely full (which meant not too many kids) This might not be so bad, I thought as I climbed out of the truck.
Truth be told, I really enjoyed it. We started out by taking the Mission Space ride which is housed in the iconic EPCOT globe (seen above at night). It was very interesting; nice and slow (no crazy twists and turns to make me queasy), fun, informative and ended in an area where we could show you what Eddie and I looked like while in space and then what I looked like right after I landed!
Once you get into the interior of the park, there is a lake in the middle surrounded by Pavillions from various countries; Canada (which we skipped since we were just in the REAL Canada), China (where we had dinner), France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Morocco, Norway and the United Kingdom.
Of course, if you've been to EPCOT you know the deal, but it's nice to see each Pavillion staffed with native speakers of that country, many of who come just to work and go to school here in the US. We watched a movie called "Reflections of China" which was shown on a screen that circled the room and then saw the film "Impressions de France", which we enjoyed so much we went back to watch it a second time!
We had Bavarian pretzels in Germany, Chinese food in China and pastries and coffee in France; all without leaving the country. The evening ended with one of the most amazing fireworks shows I have ever seen....I will post a photo tomorrow.
Next we tackle The Magic Kingdom!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Bracing For A World Of Mouse Ears
I'm truly hoping it's not a repeat of the worst day of my life.
Check back for details.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
A Foxy Furry Little Friend
Um, I think I was slightly offended. But when I got over it, I saw this little guy trotting up to our truck:
Monday, November 17, 2008
Connecting Over The Mystic River

The view was spectacular because it was cold out and when it's cold, the skies are extremely clear, so every light twinkled and every color was more intense. The pictures look better in the smaller format since they are kinda blurry when enlarged; I guess that's what happens when you take pictures from a moving truck!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Color Me Casual
My mother has always wanted me to wear color also. She's the "artistic" type and has always dressed like a Puerto Rican on vacation; colors, prints and florals, very often in the same outfit. I don't think she even owns anything that's black.
I will often say "I do wear color!" when challenged on it, but then I look at my closet or my stack of V-neck t-shirts and see several shades of black, eggplant, burgundy and white; rarely a color in the mix. So today I went shopping and this is what I tried on:

I've been looking more at how other women dress and have been trying to get some ideas for how I can incorporate dressing down (in a stylish way) into my life since my profession really requires me to embrace all things casual. I'm not really good with the casual look, so putting something together that looks good is hard for me. I think I owned one pair of jeans when I met Ed and I have had a really hard time adjusting my wardrobe for this lifestyle. I don't do sweats and I'm not a jeans and sweater type of person.
That whole layering thing seems to be really popular - the long tee sticking out of the other tee sticking out of the sweater which sticks out of the jacket, topped with a scarf casually slung around the neck. Ugh. Layers can be a real problem for me as I HATE to be hot. As it was, I seemed to be the only person in Newfoundland who was sweating.
We'll have to see how this color thing works out and what I do for my wardrobe in the next few months. I plan on getting rid of everything I have and starting over with all new stuff for January, so maybe I'll stay away from the black and try to get into more actual outfits that incorporate some color. It's been suggested that I try more button down shirts, maybe some fitted jackets and dark wash, bootleg jeans. If that doesn't work, I'll be the only driver on the road wearing velour track suits with the satin stripe up the side.
With big hoop earrings and flip-flops, of course!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Going The Way Of Astatine*

Friday, November 14, 2008
Eddie Working In Paradise Friday
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Showing Its True Colors, Even On The Cloudiest Day
It's kind of hard to get a "feel" for the color since the pictures are so blah, but every house is painted a different color; even the roofs are painted, often in a color other than that on the home. As I mentioned in a previous post, St. John's is the oldest English-founded settlement in North America, first sailed into by Italian explorer, John Cabot (Giovanni Caboto) in 1497.
And Water Street, the main drag, is the oldest street in North America and I stood on it! (OK, so it wasn't really that big a deal to stand there, but I did. In the rain.)
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
O Canada!
1. First and foremost, the obvious: It's cold.
2. Signage in both French and English. It's like a road trip and a lesson all in one!
3. Poutine. A whole new kind of comfort food; delicious even without the cheese curds.
4. The Maple Leaf. It's everywhere and I love it. I especially like how they incorporate it in McDonald's golden arches:
6. The Canadians seem to love us as far as I can tell since they're all so very nice.
7. More importantly, they LOVE Obama. That's not in question at all - you don't even have to ask them, they'll just tell you straight out!
8. When you're in the Province of Nova Scotia, they have signs in both English and Gaelic, which is something I've never seen anywhere before. If it weren't for the english translation, we'd be screwed. Have you ever tried to read anything in Gaelic???
9. The cold water from the tap is freezing cold; not like water in Arizona where it comes out of the tap feeling like bath water.
10. The food labels/descriptions are also in English and French. My favorites are Pamplemousse Rose Jus (Red Grapefruit Juice), Poulet McCroquette (Chicken McNuggets) and Sucre (Sugar).
11. The McLobster Sandwich (or as they like to say in French, Sandwich McHomard), available only in the Maritime Provices. I've never eaten one, but I like the idea that it exists.

I'm sure there are more, but I can't think of them at the moment. Overall though, I LOVE Canada, O Canada!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Sometimes The Nights Just Fly By
Monday, November 10, 2008
Crossing The North Atlantic
The crossing takes eight hours and we've done it both at night (getting a private cabin for sleeping) and during the day. This crossing was a little choppier than the last three we took, but not enough to toss anything around; cookies or our Scrabble tiles.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Good Thing He Didn't PAINT This On His Truck
Friday, November 07, 2008
Eddie And The Moose Friday
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Yes We Did!!
I'd officially like to welcome our new President, Barack Obama, and this amazing first family to the White House....

Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Holding My Breath
Monday, November 03, 2008
Let's Hope This Five Year Old Is As Accurate With His Predictions As He Is With His Aim For The Toilet
MM: You know, YO, I'm getting old and I hope you come visit me when I get older.
YO: Don't worry, 'cause you'll be dead when I'm a teenager Nana.
MM: What do you mean I'll be dead? I don't want to die young.
YO: I mean, in eight years when I'm a teenager, you'll be very old and dead.
MM: YO, give me a break. I don't want to die when you are a teenager. I want to see you get married!
YO: Forget it, Nana. I'm living with Daddy all my life.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Newfies, Here We Come!

The city is located on the northeast coast of the Avalon Peninsula in southeastern Newfoundland, on the Atlantic Ocean. It is the easternmost city in North America and also the oldest English-founded settlement in North America, in addition to being the second largest city in Atlantic Canada.
Since St. John's is the cloudiest (only 1,497 hours of sunshine a year), snowiest and has the most wet days per year of all the major cities in Canada, I'm not sure how the picture taking is going to fare, but I'll do my best. I have been told by some old classmates that the town has great pubs, great shops and a great downtown walking area in addition to whale watching!! I look forward to checking it out.
St. John is where the Trans-Canada Highway begins; it ends in Vancouver, British Columbia. Once we hit St. John's, we will have been on every kilometer of that highway as we've once before driven all across Canada on it.
I love this exploring and driving! It's such a pleasure to be able to see our country and the country of our neighbors to the North by traveling through so many nooks and crannies of both of them.
* Photo of St. John's Harbour Narrows courtesy of the internet.
Saturday, November 01, 2008
A Call To Arms

My cousin is doing a semester of college in Parma, Italy. She will be there from January to May. During this time, Eddie and I are hoping to go visit and spend two months there. We're thinking maybe Feb/Mar or Mar/Apr but haven't decided yet. The trip hinges on a few other things, so everything has to come together in order for us to go during this time.
The question I throw out to all of you is this: What do I need to know?
Actually, that's not the only question, but I want to know everything. Things like:
If you have anything to tell me, please either leave it in comments or email me at thedailyranter@aol.com - I look forward to the info!
* Parma Duomo photo courtesy of Google Images