Watching the election in a hotel room in Canada. Watching and waiting.
And for all of you still crying about the "spreading the wealth" thing, why don't you take a look at where your Federal Tax dollars REALLY go:

And for all of you still crying about the "spreading the wealth" thing, why don't you take a look at where your Federal Tax dollars REALLY go:

(click to enlarge)
Me too- but at my house!
Pictures of us voting on the blog. Very exciting nite! If we lose, you can just stay there? No -- please come back... either way, we need to get to work on 2012!
What do you all think Obama is going to do to save you? I don't get it. I don't like McCain so much...but I don't want to live in a socialist country - please explain what you think makes this man the person who is going to make it all better? ...
Not to mention that the most socialist of all actions, nationalizing the banks, was done by the current Rethuglican administration. Give me a break. Who forces everything from their mouths to be a LIE? Idiots.
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