Saturday, March 31, 2007

Let The Adventure Begin

Um, did I mention the other day when I wrote about my cousin moving to Florida, with us taking her stuff on the truck, that she was actually coming in the truck WITH us?

Uh, yeah. Two thousand miles. Thirty hours. Three people. One bed. The journey starts today.

Sparkling conversationalist, eternal optimist, easy on the eyes. That's my Deana Bean.
But I have to tell you, she has a very delicate stomach. Can't eat certain things, has a "safe list" of foods that don't disagree with her and overall, eats like a very tiny bird. Which might explain why she is a very tiny bird, and actually, one of the reasons we agreed to take her with us in the first place; she fits neatly into our pocket and doesn't even make a peep. She's an exemplary passenger.

So, here she is, our wanna be trucker, with her brand new trucker cap (a gift from me, for her first OTR journey) and she's never eaten at an Arby's. Whaatttt? Arby's is a national chain; how can she have never been there? We're not even talking truck stop food. We haven't even touched on biscuits and gravy, bottom of the pot coffee or my personal favorite, chicken fried steak.

With all the stress of packing her house, giving away things that she couldn't fit in her bins and arranging all the plans for the move, she claims to have lost five pounds; which on me would mean my earring got loose, but on her, it drops a pant size. I assured her we'd have those five pounds back on by San Antonio. She's fighting me hard, but today she gave in to chicken fingers and a few curly fries, so I think we're well on our way.

Did I mention she's a personal trainer? Uh, yeah. And a quasi-dietician? Yep. Do you know what it's like to have a oat bran eating, two Skittles per serving, non-latte drinking, fit person sitting next to two truckers? I think you can imagine.

I mean, I'm totally cute and all, but when you're ordering the double cheeseburger at Wendy's and she's ordering the side salad with fat free dressing, it sort of puts a different spin on making good choices. So it looks like she'll be gaining back her five pounds plus a smidge and I'll be losing five pounds by just mirroring her eating habits. Wow, I might have to take her along more often.

As I said; let the adventure begin.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Ready, Set, Go!!

Eddie, Deana and my brother just moments before they "rode" the mattress down the two hundred and fifty feet of my brother's smooth, concrete driveway. Think of the speed.

Ed pushed, I took video (yes, video exists), Deana sat perched in the middle of the queen sized mattress, like a queen and Michael steered. There was hootin' and hollerin', laughing, hands raised in the air like people do on a rollercoaster and several shouts of "do it again! do it again!!" being heard at the end of the trip; and this is before the kids even came outside.

We had more fun loading this freight than we've had at any shipper we've been to. I'm thinking we need to put more fun in our workday and I told Ed we need to do stuff like this more often.

The next time we see a lonely pallet jack...

Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Superbowl Of Moving

My cousin Deana is moving to Florida this week and we offered to help; you know, since we have a truck and all. We are loading two cars, one crated motorcycle, two mountain bikes, a mattress and box spring and several rubbermaid bins.

In the last two weeks, we've been going back and forth with phone calls and emails between no less than seven people, one of which is in the Virgin Islands. To say coordinating has been a challenge would be an understatement.

I think now I can probably add "logistics management" to my resume. My brother has likened the strategizing and coordination of this move to planning the half time show at the Super Bowl; I think that would have probably been much easier.

As of right now, it looks like there will be dancing and fireworks, but we have yet to secure a singer for the National Anthem. The trip starts on Saturday, so keep your fingers crossed for a smooth journey.

Kickoff is at 12 p.m. central time, 2 p.m. eastern.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A Lot Of Beauty, A Little Citrus And A Mini Moo

These are some of the things I ALWAYS, without fail, have on hand; either in the truck or on my person. I wouldn't want to say I can't live without them, but they sure make life on the road a lot more pleasurable!

1. Oscar Blandi Dry Shampoo: This stuff is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. On those days where you might not be able to wash your crowing glory, just sprinkle a little Oscar in your hair, fluff and go! It even smells better than shampoo, I swear!!

2. L'Oreal Colour Juice Sheer Juicy Lip Gloss in Passion Fruit Squeeze: The color works on anybody! It's thick and long wearing and can be used alone, over lipstick or as I use it, with lip liner - any color lip liner works! Available in the health and beauty sections of most stores.

3. Pond’s Clean Sweep: These cleansing & makeup removing towelettes are perfect for removing your makeup anytime, anywhere. I never, ever, ever go to sleep without removing my makeup, and these make it so easy. They are perfect when I can't get to makeup remover or when I have a little makeup mishap and need to remove something lickety split!

Umberto Beverly Hills Styling Cream: This styling cream makes my hair do things that only movie star hair does! I love the smell of it, I love the texture and I love how it shapes and separates just the way this stuff is supposed to. It's great for short hair and it even works when my hair is a little longer. Best of all, you don't have to trek to Beverly Hills to find it, it's available at Target!!

5. ROMA by Laura Biagiotti: This perfume is my signature scent. It was given to me almost fifteen years ago by a guest at the resort I worked at. I was a concierge at the time and had gone out of my way to take care of a few things for her and her husband. They lived in Milan, Italy and stayed at our resort often. The next time they came to town, she brought me this perfume as a thank you. I was reluctant at first to wear it, as perfume is a personal thing and I thought it odd to get it as a gift from someone who didn't know me that well, but it took no time at all for me to fall in love with it and I have received more compliments when wearing it than I have with any other perfume I've worn in my life; combined!! Complete strangers have stopped me to ask me what I'm wearing or to tell me how good I smell. In fact, one of the guys I used to work with said that he always knew when I had arrived for work because it smelled so great once I got there! Originally discontinued, it's now available online and at some perfume kiosks and stores in malls across the country!

6. Sally Hansen 18 Hour Cracked Heel Creme: Made for heels, but I use it everywhere. It's soooo thick! I use it on my feet, my knees, my elbows and in a pinch, I have used it as a night cream on my face - shhhh, don't tell.

7. The next two products I can't live without (okay, so I lied, there is something I can't live without). The first is Benefit Get Even: This yellow toned powder can be used alone or over foundation but either way, you get flawless skin that is perfectly even everywhere. I've hooked my friend Lynn on it and once you try it, you'll throw your Cover Girl compact in the nearest trash bin!

8. Next, is Benefit High Brow: This shimmery pink pencil brightens your eyes so much, you'll think you were seventeen again! Used under the arch of your eyebrows or dotted on the inside corners of your eyes, you will be bright eyed for the rest of the day. Who needs a bushy tail when your eyes are sparkling??

9. True Lemon: These little packets of pure, crystallized lemon are so handy when a lemon slice isn't available. On the road, I can sprinkle a little into my Diet Coke or bottle of water and have refreshing flavor added to any drink. They are the size of a sugar packet and I always have one in my wallet for lemon related emergencies!

10. My Moo Cards: These cards are so great. I've taken several of my photos and turned them into Mini Moo's. It's a pleasure handing out a business card now as it reflects the real me! I've even gotten several friends hooked on them too!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

If you'd like to build your own VisualDNA report, click here which will take you to the main page. When you get there, click on "try it" and see for yourself how you look when described in pictures.

Monday, March 26, 2007

There's A Skirt On The Door For A Reason

The thing about truck stop bathrooms I like, is that the women's room is almost always empty. Because the ratio of women to men out here is low, the chances of me waiting in line for a bathroom are close to zero. Well, unless there's a tour bus in the parking lot, which is rare.  In that case, I use my backup plan - the driver's lounge restrooms.

The best kept secret (well, until now), is that a lot of truck stops have restrooms in the driver's lounge area that the general public aren't aware of.  The guys often know about them, but the women never do.  I don't think I've ever been in one where I've even seen another woman in the vicinity.  The thing I like about using these restrooms is that they're usually individual, one person rooms.  Very private, no stalls.  Kind of like the "family" restrooms you see these days.  They're my first preference, especially if the truck stop is busy, but if I have to use the one in the main part of the building I don't mind since I often still find myself alone.

Except on a recent visit.

We were at a Flying J where we had stopped for a bite to eat.  At many of these locations, the bathrooms are right outside the entrance to the restaurant, so instead of walking to the driver's lounge, I headed straight to the women's restroom. Empty as usual, I proceeded to a stall at the end of the row.  I only had to pee, so I wasn't going to be long, but while in there I heard someone come in and go into one of the other stalls. No biggie, right? 

When I came out of my stall, the other person was still in theirs.  I washed my hands and began to primp; fixed my hair, put on some lipgloss, touched up my blush.  I was taking my sweet time.  The person in the stall seemed to be taking their sweet time also.  I didn't hear any odd noises and began to wonder if they were the kind of person who couldn't take care of business when someone else was in the room. 

I fluffed my hair, leaned in to the mirror to check the state of my makeup, made sure the lipgloss I had just applied was perfect (even though I was going to wipe it off once I sat down to eat), fluffed my hair again, and organized my purse by throwing away gum wrappers, receipts I didn't need, balled up tissues.  The person in the other stall still hadn't come out.  The place had solid doors all the way to the floor so I couldn't see any feet, but I started to wonder just what she was doing in there.  There wasn't any noise.  I didn't hear any tinkling.  What the hell?

Suddenly the door opened, but I didn't immediately look up because I didn't want the person to be embarrassed for taking so long, but I sensed she was hesitating before coming out.  That's what made finally look, the odd sensation of her just standing there.  And just as I looked at her in the mirror, all I saw was the side of her face as she hurried to the exit.  It all happened so fast that I didn't realize what I had just witnessed.

It wasn't a she at all.  It was a HE.  I had just seen a man scurry from the women's restroom!  I believe I'd just witnessed a shit and run!

I'm not easily shocked, so it didn't really bother me, but I did wonder why a man decided to take a chance getting caught in the women's restroom.  I've seen it happen the other way around since the lines are always so long for us that we often duck into the men's room before they even know what hit them.  I've done it many times myself, sometimes with Ed standing guard.

I tried to remember what he was wearing so I could scope him out in the store or restaurant, but he'd run away so quickly, I had no idea where he went.  I just wanted to see what he looked like.  It wasn't like I was going to say anything to him, but I'm certain I would have given him the I-know-what-you-just-did look.

Just a little glare, nothing more.  Then I would have walked away with a look of satisfaction on my face.

Because finally I would have figured out where the pee on the seat comes from.


Sunday, March 25, 2007

Big, Rich And Free

This weekend at the Mid America Trucking Show, in addition to seeing the guys from Trick My Truck, we were treated to a FREE concert courtesy of Kenworth Trucks. We were entertained for three hours, starting with Jake Owen and ending with the ridiculously rambunctious Big & Rich. They put on a great show and we got to hear not only some of their popular songs, but also a few from their new, not yet released, album.

Cowboy Troy also appeared and I have to say, I did not like him at all. I couldn't understand a word he said as he screamed and rapped himself all over the stage. Wasn't my favorite part of the show at all but the rest made up for it.

Besides, it was FREE. Can't beat that.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

The Heat Is On

(Picture courtesy of Greggie)

I'm having fits. One day it's forty degrees, the next eighty-two. My wardrobe is driving me crazy and I'm this close to throwing everything away and starting from the flip-flops up. The only thing I like about warm weather is the ability to wear flippies - less bulk on the feet. As for wardrobe; I think I'll be trucking this summer in floaty cotton dresses from the days of yore.

And summer is nearing at an alarming pace, isn't it? I'm sure all you sun freaks out there are doing your little happy dance, but personally, I would be happy if the sun was never again accompanied by heat. It could be out now and again, but put off no heat. That would be my ideal day. Everywhere we go lately, there is that blasted sun and its heat; even places that are still supposed to be cold, aren't. Let the endless bitching about the heat now commence. Oh, or did it already?

I'm hot and miserable and not even near menopause yet. Hell, I'm not even near summer yet. What on earth will I do then? Move to Siberia, I guess. Eddie is the picture of patience and accommodation. He lets my bitching go in one ear and out the other, all the while keeping the temperature right around sixty-five, whether in the truck or a hotel room. Ahhhh.

March hasn't come in like a lion or a lamb, but rather, like an evil little devil from hell with a red hot poker in his hand. Greggie, is that you?

Friday, March 23, 2007

Ryno And Rob

This weekend at the truck show, we met two of the Trick My Truck guys. I even got them to sign a poster for my nephews. All of the guys were there, singing autographs throughout the show and their booth was appropriately "mobbed" most of the time. We saw several trucks that the Chrome Shop Mafia worked on, including the Bonnie and Clyde themed truck they created. We even got to meet the trucks owners and toured the inside of their truck; what a great ride they have!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

My Man Is Ripped!

After working on the truck, Eddie comes back to the hotel room looking like this.

I said, "What happened to your pants???"


"Your pants. What happened? There's a huge hole."

So he turns around and looks at himself in the mirror and says, "I can't believe it. That old lady stood out there talking to me for like, twenty minutes. And she didn't even say anything."

"Well, maybe that's WHY."

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Working On It

As usual, when I am pressed for content, I “fill” with pictures and on occasion, one of these. I found this on someone else’s site (also usual) and although I usually fill them out with serious answers, this one is going to be a little different.

Where do you live? Describe what your home looks like.
Earthy toned decor, music wafting through the interior, mouthwatering aroma coming from the kitchen and 18-wheels underneath.

What kind of people have you surrounded yourself with?
Those who think I’m fabulous and make me laugh.

Who are your best friends? What makes these relationships work?
Those who think I’m fabulous and make me laugh; why wouldn’t they work?

Look at the clothes you are wearing. What do they say about you?
That I need a stylist.

How would you describe your chosen profession?
I always knew I'd wind up working in a job where I'm surrounded by adoring men.

Describe your work setting.
Perched on a bed, tapping out something on the computer or perched in a window, photographing the world going by.

Whom do you work with?
My Eddie and my best friend Vicki.

What do you enjoy most about your career?
The freedom of the road and the ability to never be more than five days away from a Dunkin’ Donuts.

How much money do you make?
Enough to take three to six months off a year.

What do you spend your money on?
Cheap hotel rooms, vending machines, movie popcorn for Eddie and Sephora for me.

Have you acquired any awards and honors?
Do trophies from Eddie count??

What do your admirers say about you and your work?
I have admirers? Can they send me chocolate?

What would you like to contribute to your field?

How do you enjoy your spare time?

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

This Is What I've Been Doing Lately

Lounging around like the sea lions in San Francisco, California.

Monday, March 19, 2007

A Antiquing Conundrum

There is an antique shop along Interstate 75 in Reddick, Florida called "A Antique Shop."

It confuses me.

Is it "A Antique Shop" as in a man or a house? And is prounounced "ey" or "uh" Antique Shop?

Or, is it "A" Antique Shop as opposed to "B" Antique Shop?

Shouldn't it be "An Antique Shop?"

I can just hear them answering the phone now:

"Good afternoon, Uh Antique Shop. How may I help you?"


I mean, "Good afternoon, Ey Antique Shop. How may I help you?"

Personally, I think I might have just gone with "A Shop For Antiques" to avoid any confusion.

But then, there are going to be those blasted people who are going to spell it S-h-o-p-p-e.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Table Talk

While out to dinner the other night, I made a comment to Ed about our waiter.
"He's just kind of weird. I mean, he came over to bring our drinks and then just hovered, like he was going to say something, thought about it, almost said it again and then figured, nah, and walked away, just leaving me looking after him; I was hanging on his non-words, almost waiting for his voice to catch up with his body language. Just weird."
Ed said, "He must be new....."
I'm about to agree, but when I open my mouth, he continues with
" the planet."

Friday, March 16, 2007

Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Type Of Shopping That Makes Me Want To Commit Suicide, Right There In The Middle Of Macy's

Bra shopping.

It's the one thing that makes me wish all lingerie departments were perched precariously on the edge of a very unstable cliff. That would make it so much easier for me to hurl myself to my death; right into the treacherous, jagged, rock lined, cavernous hole spread out below me.

Usually, I wear a 42DD. In actuality, I fluctuate between a 40 and a 42, depending on the brand or the store I buy it in, but today when I walked into the lingerie department in Macy's and asked for a few items in 42DD, the girl looked at me (or rather, at my breasts) and said, "You're a triple D." Hmmm. "Okay" I said, "double D, triple D, whatever fits is fine with me."

After wrangling with several different styles in my size, she brought me a 42G.


I'm not Anna Nicole freakin' Smith!! Well, when she was alive and all...

The G must have stood for GINORMOUS, because there was so much extra room in the cups I could have fit Anna Nicole AND her breasts in there. Thank God it didn't fit, because even if it did, I wouldn't have bought it. There is just no way. I mean, how would I explain to anyone the concept of a G? My best friend couldn't even comprehend it, and we share a brain!

The dressing room was 150 degrees, I was becoming more miserable by the minute, and in addition to contemplating a murder-suicide, taking the sales girl with me to our deaths, I realized that I hated all the buckling and shifting and adjusting and all. Now I know why some women don't wear bras; they're too much damn trouble.

And they're expensive. The bra I liked the most was $58.00. FIFTY EIGHT. Since my beauties are worth the best (and I just got a $100 mall gift certificate), I might just be going back to get it tomorrow.

That is, if I don't commit suicide by strangling myself in the dressing room before I make it to the cash register. Those triple D's and G's have a LOT of strap to wrap around neck, I tell you.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Neon Railroad

The sign above the Historic Union Pacific Railroad Station. Salt Lake City, Utah.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Indiscriminate Discrimination

(advertisement found on the movie site while searching for movie times)

This is the sort of advertisement that really pisses me off. Am I the only one offended? Sirius Satellite Radio is openly discriminating in this ad. It's bad enough that every time you open a magazine or see an ad on TV, it seems the only people buying products, wearing clothes, going on vacations, playing sports, having sex, dining out, driving cars, etc. are thin people. Or thin women.

If our nation is one of the fattest in the world, tell me, where are all those fat people? An article in the San Francisco Business Times talks about a new store opening and the growing market for plus sized clothing production, and in the article, the director for an Oakland based retail consulting firm states that sixty percent of women in this country wear a size 14 or higher. Sixty percent. That's more than half, just in case you can't do the math. So where are all these large women when it comes to being represented in the media? It seems, despite their size, they're being kept very well hidden.

The fact that Sirius can get away with this ad without enduring any backlash from anyone, just goes to show how twisted people's views are and how acceptable weight discrimination is. I'm sure no one even thought much about the content, certainly not the people who created the ad. And for that matter, certainly not the people at, where I found the ad displayed.

What if the ad had pictures similar to the following groupings? Do you think people would find it acceptable to ask, "Which would YOU prefer?" when given the choices shown below?

Get the point? It's discrimination, no matter how you look at it. And perhaps because I'm not a thin woman, it offends me even more. Even so, I do not tolerate discrimination in any form and if I saw an ad like this depicting gay, black, Jewish, old or handicapped people, I would be just as vocal in my displeasure.

It's still okay to get away with a fat joke in mixed company; but if you were to tell a joke about a black person, a Jewish person or a handicapped person? Or if an old person wasn't hired because of their age? Someone would be covering it in the media, for sure. I'd like to see if you can get away with calling someone a nigger, a kike or a retard. I'm sure mouths would fall open if you casually dropped any of these words into a conversation. But calling someone a fatass, making oinking noises or not hiring them because they don't fit the "look" you were going for, is perfectly fine.

In fact, just recently, the media has been all abuzz because John Edwards was called a faggot. Oh, they didn't like that, did they? But joking about someone who is overweight seems to fly right below the radar; the last acceptable prejudice.

Discrimination against race, age, sexual orientation, religion, handicaps, etc. are not tolerated in our supposedly civil society, so why is it okay for a huge corporation like Sirius to openly discriminate against an overweight person in one of their ads and no one takes offense to it?

Perhaps next time you're faced with this same situation, you'll say something. You will let the person know that it's not acceptable. Refuse to buy their product or use their service. Write a letter. That's what I plan to do.
It's discrimination and prejudice any way you look at it.  It should not be tolerated.


Sunday, March 11, 2007

Anonymously Yours,

Anonymous comments irritate me. Not because I don’t know who it is that commented, but because I don’t have any way to respond.

I can understand someone not wanting to have their real name revealed; that’s why people use pseudonyms. There are many times I comment around the internet without using my real name, but I make sure to use a real email to go along with my alter ego’s identity. I like to use ridiculously obvious fake names like Lotta O. Pinions along with an email address to go with it; for example. There are tons of free email services out there that can be used for this purpose. This way, if someone doesn’t like what I have to say, they have someone to respond to. I’m one of those people who would like that option.

It seems that most people choose to be anonymous only when they have something negative to say. I choose to comment anonymously because I may have a strong opinion about something I read, and don’t really want to get emails clogging my real e-mailbox from people defending a particular blogger or columnist. I’ve had that happen and I’ve seen it happen and I want no part of it. They may write me at my fake email address, though, and I’d be more than happy to engage in pleasantries with them.

That being said, I recently got an anonymous comment on
this post. “Anonymous” called my brother an asshole. Well, I’ll be.

Does “Anonymous” know my brother? Does “Anonymous” just not like motorcycle riders? Is “Anonymous” a safe dirt-biking advocate or nurse who sees too many of these injuries on a daily basis and just happens to be that bothered by it? I don’t know. And I can’t ask, because “Anonymous” didn’t leave an email address.

The thing about my blog is this; I don’t have too many anonymous commenters. Of the readers I do have, most of them have found out about my blog by my telling them about it. They are primarily made up of family and friends. And if my family or friends had something negative to say, believe me, they wouldn’t remain anonymous. They just tell it like it is. I have a few other regular readers who either comment under their own name or email me directly with their thoughts. So unless someone stumbled across my blog and just happened to think motorcycle riding was ridiculous and had to make their thoughts known, I can’t imagine why they would call my brother an asshole.

What I have determined is this; the commenter is most likely a woman. No man in their right mind would call another guy an asshole because he wiped out on a motorcycle. In fact, most guys would think it was super-cool and want more details on the wreck; how fast were you going, how high was the jump, what gear were you in, did anyone get a picture of it, etc.

Based on that deduction, I’ve narrowed it down to two possible women. Of the two, I couldn’t be less interested in what they have to say about me, my blog, my family or my life. And if I'm mistaken, and it’s a guy; then dude, you’re not only a coward for not being man enough to attach an identity to your comment, but you’re also a pussy who probably runs to your mother when you get a hangnail.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Friday, March 09, 2007

Royal Air Force Typhoon Blows Into Nellis

While picking up a load today at Nellis Air Force Base, we got a special treat; being less than thirty feet from two Royal Air Force Typhoon F2 Eurofighter defensive jets. It was so "Top Gun" the way they swooped in, came to a dramatic stop and then after their windshields (is that what they're called in a jet?) were lifted, the pilots stepped out of the planes onto stairs that were wheeled directly to the jet for their deplaning.

The Royal Air Force loaded our truck, chattering away in the Queen's English; throwing in several "cheerios" in the process. One of the officers even directed Ed to the "loo." I have to say, they were the most pleasant military members we've come across so far.

According to their website, "Nellis Air Force Base is called the "Home of the Fighter Pilot," and for good reason. Nellis is a member of the United States Air Force's Air Combat Command and home of the U.S. Air Force Warfare Center. With five wings and more than 150 aircraft, the Warfare Center is responsible for advanced combat training, tactics development and operational testing. The Center also conducts worldwide combat operations with the Predator unmanned aerial vehicle."

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

What Showing Off For Your Kids Looks Like

My brother has three sons under the age of eight who he took on a little day trip last weekend to ride motorcycles in the middle of nowhere.

This is the result of a father showing his sons "how it's done."

As expected, all three boys thought his wipe-out was incredibly cool and even gave advice on how not to bite it so bad the next time he tries to take a double jump; "Dad, you gotta pull up more!"

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


House number 614 in the Barrio Viejo of Tucson, Arizona.

Monday, March 05, 2007

When Pork Goes Pornographic

I had the ribs and pulled pork platter, Ed had the sausage and brisket.

There was just too much food; I couldn't eat everything on my plate. I didn't want any more of the ribs, but surprisingly, I did have room for another corn muffin. Not wanting to waste what was on my plate, I offered the ribs to Ed.

"If you eat my meat, I'll eat your muffin." I said.

"Well, I like that idea, but the other way around..." he responded with a devilish grin on his face.

After rolling my eyes in feigned offense, I ate his corn muffin.

And apparently, I owe him one in the meat department.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

New And Improved!

My best friend Vicki and I have a website where we sell our cards and prints. We just went through a new design on the website and added new prints for sale. Many of my pictures, featured on the site, you've already seen right here on my blog. If you're interested, you can now buy a print at Due Amici Designs - check it out!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Giving Directions To This Place Is Easy

" ...and when you turn the corner, my house is on the left; it's the blue one with the light green trim, red curtains, purple door, chile ristra and lots of cactus out front. You can't miss it."

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Snaking Across Broadway

This is the Diamondback Bridge, also known as the Rattlesnake Bridge; a bicycle/pedestrian bridge that crosses Broadway, just before you get into downtown Tucson, Arizona. It is in the image of a rattlesnake...
complete with eyes that light up...
and a tail that rattles when you exit...