While Ed was unloading at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), I was researching a way for the four of us to get to town so we could do a little window shopping and have dinner out. The roads in this area of Cape Cod aren't very bike friendly - lots of traffic, no shoulder to speak of - and there was no way I was riding on some skinny strip of asphalt while the bulging summer residency flew by me in their fancy-pants sedans.
My research paid off - I found the Shining Sea Bikeway, which would take us directly from the WHOI campus, right into town. It was perfect.
Once we arrived in Woods Hole, the boys locked up the bikes and we all walked the main drag of the town looking in shops, taking pictures, and trying to decide on where to eat. I loved the little Woods Hole Market and would have gladly had a sandwich there had it been mid-day and not dinner time. We were on the hunt for seafood.
The town is small, just a few streets, all very close to the ferry landing, the gateway to Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket. The choices were limited.
Marlaina found a place to eat right on the water when we first arrived - the Landfall Restaurant - and after looking around decided to go back to it. We wound up being the only table in the place.
I had been cooking all week and was really looking forward to a dinner I didn't have to make. I quickly scoped out the menu and immediately decided on the broiled scallops. Three of us ordered the same meal, while MacG went with some kind of lobster bake. It looked delicious.
We had drinks and appetizers and leisurely sipped and ate while we watched the boats passing by the windows open to the harbor. The best part about the meal? Well, other than the fantastic company? Marlaina and MacG treated us!
We lingered a little longer after dinner than we had intended and had to hurry back so we wouldn't be biking in the dark. By the time we left, the restaurant had filled up quite a bit. Now I know the secret of why people take advantage of early bird dining. No crowds. I can only imagine what the crowds would have been like on the weekend.
The bike ride back was a little more of a struggle than the one into town. It was only two miles, but I think it was a gradual downhill on the way in and going back wiped me out a bit. Those little hills are sneaky. Ed switched bikes with me - his is waaaay easier to ride uphill - and he patiently waited for me to catch up. Marlaina and MacG are pretty fit and took the slight incline with no trouble at all. They were waiting at the truck when we got there.
We weren't far behind, but between being a little tired, having an irritated eye (don't even ask - just know that Ed wouldn't look at me because it was so red he was wigging out), and the heat (cool for most, always too warm for me), I was a little cranky when I finally got back to my little home on wheels.
And I also think you should know that I'm totally blaming my sluggishness on the cheesecake.
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2013: Waterfront Wedding
2012: Crossing The Mighty Hudson For Our Radio Debut
2011: All-Inclusive Social Butterflies
2010: The $7 Date Night
2009: Them’s Fighting Words!
2008: Skulls And Hot Chocolate In The French Quarter
2007: Once As High As An Elephant’s Eye
2006: Trouser Snakes On A Plane
2005: Big Honkin’ Truck Makeover