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1 YEAR AGO: What Happened To Being Human?
2 YEARS AGO: I’ve Been Everywhere, Man
3 YEARS AGO: W. The Thief.
4 YEARS AGO: Sorry, no post from 6/30/05
This shot here is the rookery, where all the mating action takes place:
This is a harem of "cows", which is what they call the female sea lions. Not very nice if you ask me, but if they don't mind, who amd I to say? But I guess when you weigh 600-700 pounds, that's a mighty accurate description. They are very far away at the very bottom of that cliff, so I did my best to zoom in on them.
And then he read me this little tidbit from Wikipedia:
"Spam is a canned precooked meat product made by the Hormel Foods Corporation. The labeled ingredients in the classic variety of Spam are: chopped pork shoulder meat with ham meat added, salt, water, sugar, and sodium nitrite to help keep its color. Spam's gelatinous glaze, or aspic, forms from the cooling of meat stock."
When I heard the words "gelatinous glaze" I wanted to vomit.
He was shocked to find out that I had never had SPAM. I thought I had SPAM once, but when I checked with my mother (after she got off the floor, yet still while clutching her heart), she told me that I "absolutely did not" and if I did "it wasn't under my roof", that I must have eaten it at a friend's house. I have a very vague memory of trying it, but I can't pin down when or where. Besides, I really can't imagine my father letting SPAM get past him and into the kitchen, so I guess she was right.
So I just wanted to let you all know, that if for some reason my postings here abruptly stop, it's because I ate the SPAM. And if my demise is caused by SPAMicide, I leave it to my friends, family and dear readers to find Eddie a suitable partner to take my place. He'll never find another me, but maybe he'll find someone who knows how to fry up a nice hunk of meat product.
Your best bet would probably be to set up a booth in a trailer park and offer up some food while they fill out applications and wait for their personal interviews. You might want to try some of the following items as bait to make sure you lure just the right girl...
Vienna Sausages, pork rinds, spray cheese in a can, Pabst Blue Ribbon beer, Dinty Moore stew, macaroni and cheese and lots and lots of SPAM. Watch the candidates roll on in!
Do me proud; try to get someone with a full set of teeth.
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1 YEAR AGO: How Casting A Memory Begins With A Fish
2 YEARS AGO: A Weekend At The End Of The Rainbow
3 YEARS AGO: If I Were In People Magazine
4 YEARS AGO: Free Mudflap
The shelves were lined with hundreds of bottles, from all over the world, of gourmet marinades, sauces, chutneys, jams, jellies, olive oils, vinegars and olives!! Ohhh, the beautiful olives.