Sunday, July 22, 2012

Hats Off To Tits And Ass

My sister-in-law's father Ken is a master knitter - he could put anyone's grandmother to shame. He recently made a hat modeled after Edith's from the movie Despicable Me, which I gave to a friend of mine but before I did, had Ed try it on for good measure.

Well just today, Ken stopped by my mother's house and dropped off two hats he made for Ed and I. She sent me a picture of them. I like the colors of the one for Ed, but I'm not sure about the pink for me. I like pink, but I think the baby pink might be a little too sweet for me.

I told my mother what I thought about the color and she said, "Oh, no. I think the pink would look great on you with your dark hair and fair skin. I can just see you wearing it when you walk into the T & A."

"It's not "The T & A" Mom, that means tits and ass. It's the TA, which is what everyone calls the Travel Centers of America truck stops."

"Oh," said said laughing. "And here I thought I was being so good, getting the name of it right."

"Well, I'm sure there are plenty of people who will like your name for it better."

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Approaching Chi-Town
2010: Paneful Outlook
2009: Gray County Silhouette
2008: This Little Piggy Went To Market
2007: I’ve Been Everywhere Sunday
2006: The Heat Bog
2005: Five


Gil said...

His work looks like my mom's and her mom's work! God bless your mother!!! I think that she does this on purpose to get your goat....

Lidya said...

is that a long tile Kite ?