We finally made it to ARI in Shipshewana, Indiana to get the air-conditioning unit fixed. Well, completely replaced. We arrived early in the morning and got in line, the place was packed. Every bay had a truck in it, several were lined up out front, and we got the last spot in the area where everyone drops their trailers.
There were so many trucks getting worked on, we were thrilled when they pulled us in right away. We wound up being there all day but for some reason service here is so not annoying. It must be their competence, which is hard to come by in some of the other places we've had the displeasure of visiting for service.
The first thing they did was remove the air conditioning unit from the roof and install the new one. The new unit on the roof inside the sleeper is smaller and slimmer in design, which I really like. And it's ice cold.
Then they removed the toilet from the bathroom toilet/shower enclosure, cleaned beneath it (an area I can't get to since it's sealed) and re-caulked the whole thing with bright, white caulk. It looks great. They fixed the leak under the shower, repaired the sleeper steps, gave us a few new light units for the cabinets, new pistons for the bed, new generator door clips (which Ed fixed), and a new thermostat for the a/c unit.
We had a chance to chat with the new guy - who's really not new, but just got a promotion from the production department - who is taking over the position of Service Administrator from Jen, an exceptional woman who we liked immediately when we first met her seven years ago. She's been one of ARI's greatest assets, but is leaving in November to pursue one of those wonderful little twists of life. She will definitely be missed, but Aaron (not new guy) is a super hottie with a great smile and quick laughter. That will make the transition much easier. For me, anyway.
Once everything was done, we plugged into the power pole - we love that coveted parking spot - and settled in for the night. With the truck fixe, we're now ready to go back to work and will be looking for a load in the morning. We've been off for three weeks now and Ed is itching to get back on the road.
But...if we don't find something, we'll be spending the weekend on our bicycles, touring Amish country.
If that happens, expect to see lots of pictures of buggies and farm animals.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2014: Nebraska. In Color.
2013: Ominously Beautiful
2012: Signs Of Fall
2011: Life Explained…By Graphs
2010: An Amazon Sized Beverage Supply
2009: He Wasn’t Hiding His Face Once The Camera Started Rolling
2008: Waiting To Be Served
2007: The Men In Mexico Are Snappy Dressers
2006: A Mystically Beautiful Day
2005: Rock It!!
Good to hear. Enjoy that weekend, whether biking or driving. It was Salena chilly this morning in NoVA. Needed leggings out on the deck with the morning coffee. Salena weather approaching.
love all the pictures you have posted.I'v been trucking for about 20yr and seen a lot of things I wished I had got a picture of. I still think trucking is the best job in the world.Keep up the good work.
BELLEDOG: Salena weather is almost here! And the Fall colors have been really wonderful. I'm glad to be seeing them this year - I love being in areas that actually HAVE seasons! LOL
BRAD: Thanks for taking the time to comment! You've seen a lot more than me in your twenty years, I'm sure! But I often say that we see more of this country in one month than most people see in their entire lives! That's one of the things that makes trucking one of the better jobs I've had!
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