Thursday, July 24, 2008

Oshkosh B'Gosh!

(photo courtesy of

We just hauled components for a U-2 Spyplane to the Airventure Oshkosh air show in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. This plane is the highest flying plane in the world. I was told it can take a picture, in full detail, of something the size of a man's wallet from over 70,000 feet in the air! And why is it we can't find Bin Laden? Perhaps he's hiding in someone's Buxton.

The 2008 Airventure Oshkosh is the largest show of its kind and they expect to host between 800,000 and 1,000,000 people during their week long event, with people flying their own planes from as far as Australia just to attend. Who would have thought an airfield in the middle of a cornfield would draw so many people??

According to one of the event coordinators, during the week the show takes place, their control tower is one of the busiest in the world and the adjacent campgrounds also one of the busiest. Since I don't camp and don't work in a control tower, I'll take his word for it.

The grounds were being set up for the show and if the merchandise and planes being displayed are any indication, it seems their target market are the high flying, upper crust. They even have a "fly-in" theatre - like a drive-in, but with planes. VERY cool!

If you're an aviation buff, click here to choose from over 90 desktop wallpapers from the EAA; there are so many to look at, it'll feel just like you were at the show!

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