Friday, February 24, 2006

Calming The Flatulent Tiger

The package insert says:

"The fame of TIGER BALM belies its humble origins. TIGER BALM is made from a secret herbal formulation that dates back to the times of the Chinese emperors. The Aw brothers, Aw Boon Haw and Aw Boon Par inherited the formulation from their herbalist father who left China. They called it TIGER BALM, after Boon Haw, (whose name in Chinese meant "Tiger") who was instrumental in devising the remarkable selling strategies that made TIGER BALM a household name all over Asia then. Today, TIGER BALM is trusted and used by millions of people over 75 countries.

TIGER BALM is a remarkable ointment that truly works. It is a fast acting remedy that soothes many bodily discomforts, aches and pains. TIGER BALM is manufactured in Singapore from the finest ingredients under strictest quality control."

Then, on the actual jar of Tiger Balm, it says:

"Fast and effective relief for headaches, stuffy nose, insect bites, itchiness, muscular aches and pains, sprains and flatulence. Apply Tiger Balm gently on the affected area."

Where exactly is the "affected area" for flatulence??


Anonymous said...

This was a too funny blog. Can I get some of this Tiger Balm? Really! MAE

Real Live Lesbian said...

I know where that spot is...but you don't want no tiger in there!

Leesa said...


Anonymous said...

Its great for flatulence and post spicy butt swelling tickle a little tiger on to your ring of fire and u'll be feeling relief in no time...