Do you like cheese?
Do I like cheese?? This is my home page. I LOVE cheese. Not like, LOVE. In a very obscene way, I think. I’m actually considering changing my name to “Danish Blue." Oh, and when I came across this truck, I just had to get a picture!
Have you ever smoked heroin?
Nope. Never done a drug in my life. EVER. And yes, that is the truth.
Do you own a gun?
No. Never owned one, never will. No need.
Do you get nervous before doctor appointments?
Not usually; what is there to be nervous about?
What do you think of hot dogs?
I’m a fan. But they have to be a certain kind. Sabrett, the famous New York dogs, are my favorite. I like ‘em thin and not made of turkey. My father owned a hot dog cart for 16 years in New York and I owned one of my own, hawking dogs when I lived in Kentucky. I do believe I was the Weenie Queen.
What’s your favorite Christmas song?
I have three: Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire, I'm Dreaming Of A White Christmas and I'll Be Home For Christmas
What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
If I'm in the mood for a cold drink, it's chocolate milk or an iced latte. If I want a little heat, a caramel latte or hot tea.
Can you do push-ups?
I have trouble SITTING up, let alone PUSHING up. Please.
Is your bathroom clean?
I don’t do bathrooms. (We don’t have one in the truck, so it’s not really a battle as to who will be cleaning it. At home though, yes. I like shiny tile and the smell of Clorox!)
What’s your favorite piece of jewelry?
Currently, my big silver hoops.
What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?
Showing interest in them. Works every single time.
Do you have A.D.D.?
Not officially, but I do grow bored very easily.
What is your middle name?
I do not have a middle name.
Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment:
I have to pee, I really want a Caramel Latte and I still have a freakin’ headache
Name the last 3 things you have bought:
This Coach bag (in British Tan); foundation, concealer and powder from Clinique; and books: This one, this one and this one.
Name 3 drinks you regularly drink:
Iced Lattes, Caffeine Free Diet Coke and General Foods International Italian Cappuccino coffee drink mix
Current worry?
I don’t have any current worries.
Current hate?
Deanna Giattino; The evil, drunken, lying, conniving, vile, heartless, money driven, Black Widow, whore cunt who let my father die. Of course, that's just my opinion. If you know her, feel free to add your own adjectives.
Favorite place to be?
At my friend Vicki’s kitchen table; talking, laughing and eating.
How did you bring in the New Year?
With family in Arizona. I’m not really big on NYE. I watch the ball drop and that’s about it.
Where would you like to go?
Italy, Romania, Hungary, Czech Republic and Croatia
Do you own slippers?
No. I wear socks with those nubbies on the bottom.
What are you wearing?
Jeans, black top with a band of black sequins under the bust (no, not disco style sequins, "elegant casual" kind of sequins. LOL) and flip flops encrusted with fake black rhinestones, silver hoops and my two new rings – one on each hand!
Do you burn or tan?
Favorite color?
Black, typically. But I am a big fan of champagne beige and beachy neutrals. My favorite color changes depending on the item, but if I had to choose only one color, it would have to be black.
Would you be a pirate?
Nah. Not really into the high seas thing – unless I’m on a luxury liner.
What songs do you sing in the shower?
What’s in your pocket right now?
Nothing. I don’t use pockets.
Last thing that made you laugh?
The movie I watched last night – “Something’s Gotta Give.”
Best bed sheets as a child?
Who remembers their bedsheets?? Although, I do remember that my brother had a cool set of race car sheets. Clearly, my mother didn't love me.
Worst injury you’ve ever had?
I broke my collar bone in a school bus accident; second day of 8th grade. I milked that injury for WEEKS.
Who is your loudest friend?
Vicki. Hands down.
Who is your most silent friend?
Lynn. She’s very reserved.
Does someone have a crush on you?
Yes, I believe someone does.
What is your favorite book?
Kinda hard to answer, but two books I have loved from my past are Crown Sable by Janice Young Brooks and Thurston House by Danielle Steel
What is your favorite candy?
Chocolate covered cherries (LIQUID centers, not the disgusting cream ones)
What song do/did you want played at your wedding?
I’ve never been married and at present, I have no idea what song I’d pick.
What song do you want played at your funeral?
My Way by Frank Sinatra
What were you doing at 12 AM last night?
Watching a movie.
What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
How long it was going to take between the time I woke Ed up, to the time he actually got out of bed.
I just found your blog yesterday from Bleeding Espresso's Camera Fairy post and I love it.
Sabrettes rock! I used to sell them at my Uncle's hot dog truck. They are so crispy on the outside. Oh boy! Now I want one :)
I like your questions...and I like that you truck drive! My boyfriend is a truck driver :)
I had no idea you felt that way about cheese.
Next time you're in Nashville:
I liked your answers much better than mine. :-)
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