There's been some discussion about whether it's a birthday, or an anniversary. I have used both terms in the past, but today was calling it a "Blog Birthday". Then Ed passed that information on to his father (why his father would care how old my blog is, I don't know) and his dad laughed and said, "It's not a birthday. It's an anniversary."
I guess the conclusion they came to is that only humans, animals and things that are "born" have birthdays and something that gets celebrated or recognized at certain intervals is an anniversary. I always say my blog was "born" on the date I started it, and I suppose it was a birth of sorts, but it's also an annual celebration, like an anniversary - I guess Happy Blogiversary! will have to cover it.
I'm now going into my eighth year, and with my addiction to Instagram, will have plenty of really cool square pictures to illustrate my posts. Sometimes I like them even better than my regular photography, which seems so plain now, unless it's something like this. Between Instagram, Hipstamatic, and Pixlromatic, I might never take another normal picture.
I'm hoping I'll have some interesting travels this year to write about. There's another European vacation on the horizon, there's my "week in a cabin surrounded by snow" that has yet to take place (and which won't happen until there's snow again), there will be more house and property hunting in Tennessee, stories about my mother, and whatever else I happen to come across on the road and decide to share. I would also like to include more video, so I'll have to work on that. Any suggestions or things you'd like to see?
I'd like to thank those of you who keep coming back, for coming back, I'd like to welcome those of you who are new, and I'd like to encourage all of you to comment. I know you're there, but I'd really love to hear from you.
And to my regulars, like Gil, All Things Bradbury, Gi-Gi Roxx, June in Florida, Scott, Belledog, ELH, Project Girl, Evil Pixie, Marlaina and the ever-present Anonymous - thank you so much for taking the time to leave your words. All of them.
Looking forward to another great year. Here's to more ranting!!
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2011: Don’t Worry, Daily Rant. I’m On Your Six.
2010: So This Is What A Niche Feels Like
2009: The Sum Of Its Parts
2008: Look At Me, I’m Three!!
2007: A Trucking Style Birthday Celebration
2006: A Perfectly Uninteresting Event
2005: The Day The Blog Began
Congrats Salena,thats quite a accomplishment..something to be very proud of.. it has been my pleasure to have reading your posts for about the last 4-5 years.
Both you and ED have shared your stories and positive outlooks with us all,and you have inspired several others to enter the trkg industry..most posts are very negative and only complain,never offering solutions,as you guys do..
Your posts are honest and inspiring, and i am sure glad you're both out there, and i always look forward to reading your latest adventures..congrats again, and lets hope for at least another 7 years..
p.s. i also love olive oil, and its actually quite good for you..
thanks again for sharing your lives with all of us..
ELH: Thank you very much for your long time readership. And I'm glad you enjoy our trucking life stories. I think what makes us lean to the positive side is that we really like what we're doing. I know I love it!
Of course there are bullshit things that go on that I'm not thrilled with, but usually a short bitch session gets it out of my system. Thanks again for your comments and continued patronage! :)
I love your amazing quirky spirit... Congratulations on your anniversary and even more importantly creating a life you love ... with a man you love... I love peeking into your world and wish you the best! May you life be filled with peace, love and good cheer!
This is a huge accomplishment, ask any newspaper editor. Congratulations. You have a marvelous eye for finding interest in things and places most of us would gloss over and pass on by.
I love your rants, clear, concise and insightful, I look forward to more.
This is a huge accomplishment, ask any newspaper editor. Congratulations. You have a marvelous eye for finding interest in things and places most of us would gloss over and pass on by.
I love your rants, clear, concise and insightful, I look forward to more.
congratulations!!...seven, seven, seven....ahhhhh.....lol...it's quite an achievement on your part and ed's too.....and quite a treat for all of us who look forward each day to your slant on this crazy thing we do out here and everything that goes along with it....
TWIG: Thanks for the well wishes, and thanks for reading! Come back a lot, please!
MARLAINA: Thank you! That's quite a compliment coming from you.
ATB: Seven, seven, seven, seveeeennnn! :) Can you believe Ed is still putting up with all my rants - on AND off the blog page?? I'm glad you like my slant on things....and meeting people like you and Brad (and BG!) make it so much more wonderful!
Thanks for taking us along for the ride over the years!!! Keep it up!!
Happy Birthaversary :) There, how's that! Congrats Salena! You're an inspiration to us all! (yes, I'll dote, dote, dote...you deserve it!)
SCOTT: Thanks for always coming back! I appreciate the comments.
GIGI: I like the Birthaversary thing. And I love a little doting. Thank you!
You do realize that Tennessee is South! We're going to have to change your name to Salena Mae, and get you some cutoff shorts.....Nice blog. Creative, informative and I enjoy reading it....
Wow 7 years!! I love reading!! Congrats and don't stop writing:).
Happy anniversary, go and treat yourself, seven years is quite a feat!
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