Thursday, October 31, 2019

Bettlejuice At The Playground

Last year we were in Europe, celebrating Halloween on our river cruise ship. 

This year, we celebrated with Halloween Happy Hour at my mother's semi-retirement community.  I say semi-retired because some of the residents in the little community work, the other half are retired.  It was a nice spread - appetizers with BYO beverages.

Some cooler weather hit us this week, and while out for coffee downtown with our friend Kim, we watched costumed young folk heading into The Playground Bar & Lounge, a place we've never been but might consider checking out when it's not being invaded by people 30 years younger than me.

Although I've had some good costumes over the years, and been to several parties, I'm not really one who gets super-excited for Halloween.  At my house, the lights are always out - the universal "stay away" sign for trick-or-treaters.  Maybe we'll watch a scary movie or two. 

But tomorrow....tomorrow I buy Fun Size candy.  On sale.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2018: Bratislava Boo!
2017: Hunting For Halloween Candy
2016: Why I Don't Open My Door
2015: How To Escape The Grim Reaper
2014: Happy HalloCatMoose
2013: It's That Time Of Year
2012: Happy All Hallows' Even
2011: What You’ll Find In The Hills And Hollers Of Tennessee
2010: Three Coins In A Fountain
2009: Truck Or Treat
2008: Spooktacular
2007: Isn’t He Comcastic?
2006: Trick Or Treating With All Ten Toes
2005: Happy Halloween!

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