Saturday, February 02, 2019

Click, Buy, Deliver, Consume

Last week, Ed and I placed our very first grocery delivery order

We went online to place the order, picked a delivery time window, and went on with our day.  The next day at 11:05 a.m. (our delivery window was 11 a.m. to 12 noon), a woman from Postmates rang our doorbell.  Our order had arrived!
We ordered everything from dairy items like Fage Greek Yogurt and eggs, to produce, to crackers, to a non-stick pot to replace one I have that's scratched from years of use.

I was concerned that the cold items wouldn't arrive cold or that they wouldn't pick good product items, but I was surprised.  The dairy was very cold, and the produce they chose was beautiful.  They did one substitution - Ed ordered a watermelon, but they didn't have a large watermelon so they sent three small seedless ones.  That was just fine by us.

I've been meaning to do a post about how I like to bundle my errands because I don't like to go out every day.  When I have appointments, I make them early in the morning (like the 7 a.m. dentist appointment this week) so I can get back home as soon as possible.  I don't like driving all over town just for the sake of being out.  Some people need to go out.  I need to stay home.  If you looked up "homebody" in the dictionary, my photo would be there.  So grocery delivery may be dangerous for me. 

It does seem to be the way things are going these days.  Amazon, online shopping, Uber Eats.  So many people are utilizing delivery services these days, and more companies keep offering them.  It is convenient.

I can see using it in certain instances - like holidays where my time is taken up with preparing for family arrivals or cooking for big dinners.  Not having to waste time walking around the grocery store.

You know...this might just be a gamechanger.

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Fiber, Feed, And Food

2017: Time For A Questival!
2016: The Last Link Should Be Your First Stop
2015: The Gods Are Angry. Or Laughing.
2014: These Four Guys Always Have The Same Expression On Their Faces
2013: Save Money On Sandwiches, Buy Nice Car
2012: Big Money Needed For A Relaxing, Feel-Good Experience
2011: The Original Metrosexual And The Petting Zoo
2010: Cribs For Corn, Not Celebrities
2009: LL Cool E
2008: Hunt On Hold
2007: The Blondes Come Marching In
2006: Thank You Is Not Enough
2005: Sorry, no post on this day. The blog didn’t start until May 2005!

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