Uh, yeeaaah! Why would I say no to that??
So I created a post, ran it here and on another trucking blog I sometimes write for, and also posted about it on my personal and my blog Facebook page ("Like" me if you haven't already!), and away we went.
I didn't get as many entries as I would have liked, but I did see a lot of people coming over to check out the posts, so that's a good thing. And we did have a winner who I suspect was pretty happy.
In addition to the free pair of boots Justin Original Workboots provided for the contest, they very generously offered another pair of boots for me to give to a friend to test and report back on. I was so thrilled to be able to call my friend Anthony, who owns his own business and works harder in one day than I do in a month, to tell him that I was sending him a kick-ass pair of gorgeous work boots! OK, he probably couldn't care less about the gorgeous part, but I knew he'd be happy to hear about the free part.
Anthony wears workboots almost every day of his life. He spends most of his time in his shop, creating custom cabinets for the homes of some very wealthy people in the Nashville area. Yes, he's even worked in the homes of country music stars!
His time is divided between standing for incredible amounts of time behind machines in his workshop, to climbing ladders for installs, to being on his hands and knees to get the bottoms of the cabinets just right, to walking through sawdust and dirt and mud and whatever else is required when on a job site. Anyone who has been on one knows you can encounter just about anything - from rebar to sharp objects to nails to rocks to heavy objects nearly missing you and your feet (hellooooo, steel toes!).
Anthony has been in Tennessee for a long time, but he's not a native. He was born and raised in New York. I don't think I need to point out that New Yorkers have a no-bullshit, tell-it-like-it-is style of communicating. I knew that of all my friends, Anthony would the best one to get an honest opinion from. And that's exactly what he provided.
The following are exact quotes from him regarding the boots:
"I love that they have a soft, non-marking sole."
"They bend and are flexible in the right areas. They don't pinch."
"They feel like a used boot that is new. They're very comfortable."
"They give the ankle support without binding your ankle. You know when you take a boot off and your ankle feels bruised? These don't do that."
"They're really nice looking - I like the distressed look of the leather."
"And of course, I love the steel toe for work."

I've known Anthony for almost 23 years. I think the first night we met - in a bar, in the Catskill Mountains - he was wearing jeans and workboots.
I've seen these boots in person and he's right - it's a good looking boot. The leather is distressed perfectly and the color really looks great with a pair of jeans. It's clear they're well made and look as if they'd last a long time.
I'd like to thank Justin Original Workboots again for choosing The Daily Rant as a vehicle for a giveaway contest, introducing their product to any of my readers who may not be familiar with them - specifically their new J-Max collection.
Please take a moment to check out the Justin Original Workboots website, their Facebook page and also their Twitter feed. You'll learn more about boots than you ever thought you needed to know!
Oh, and did I mention I know where you can get a pair? Cavender's Boot City. OMG, if you've never been in this store, you have never seen cowboy garb at its finest. Hats, belts, Wranglers and Ropers (look that up if you don't understand the connection), pocket knives, bolo ties, and boots. Oh, the selection of boots! I've been to the store in Amarillo and let me tell you, it makes me want to go all Urban Cowgirl within ten minutes of being under their roof.
But you don't have to go to Texas to find these workboots. In fact, you don't even have to get off your couch - you can order online.
Now go get yourself a pair!
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1 YEAR AGO: MMXI At Full Throttle
2 YEARS AGO: Maybe There’s A Reason Ed Never Lets Me Out Of The Truck
3 YEARS AGO: One Thousand Four Hundred Forty Minutes A Day
4 YEARS AGO: Napolitos
5 YEARS AGO: The Story Of The Uppity Barista: Otherwise Known As A Texan Gittin’ Above His Raisin’
6 YEARS AGO: Rock, Paper, Eddie
1 comment:
I really like those workboots.
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