Sunday, January 18, 2009

Marley & Me

Well, sort of me....but since I'm taking the picture, you're only going to see Marley & Ed.

Tonight at The Funny Bone Comedy Club, we saw one of our favorite comedians, Bob Marley.

Marley is from Portland, Maine and usually does a lot of "Maine" humor in his act, so if you know anything about that part of the country, you will find his local references extremely funny. Tonight though, he did a lot of new stuff that we hadn't heard before and had us gasping for breath as we laughed through every minute of his show.

His style of humor is right up my alley. His use of his parents as a source of material is hysterical and he's completely dead on with the "I'm-married-I-don't-even-know-where-my-own-socks-are-I-need-my-wife-to-tell-me" bit. I think the message of that subject might just have seeped into Ed's brain enough to where he's understanding more and more that it's better (and easier) for him to just say, "Yes, Dear."

Laughter heals all kinds of ills, doesn't it??


Angela said...

I like Bob Marley too. It's a shame he didn't make it to the finals on El Megabowl De Comedy on RAWDOG. (Sirius or XM if you got one)

I'm a huge fan of Titus myself. I'd love to see him live. I had the honor of seeing the late great George Carlin which was awesome.

Shonda Little said...

I'm a total comic junkie so I will have to check him out. I hope he has a myspace.

Smart Mouth Broad said...

This guy sounds like my kind of comic. I'll have to check to see if he does any Florida venues.

Glad to see Ed is "seeing the light."

Angela said...

Ikes and I was wrong, Titus and Marley are going head to head in the Megabowl. But whatever. lol