Saturday, December 30, 2017

In The Weekend

I needed waterproof mascara for the wedding because I knew I was going to cry.  But before I went out and bought a new tube, I thought I'd look through my cosmetics to see if I had any.

Well.  I had two tubes of waterproof.  And as I rounded up the rest of the mascara I had, I realized that I also probably had a problem.  There are thirteen tubes of mascara in that photo.  That's all I could fit in the frame, I have more. 

I'm a bit of a cosmetics addict and will indulge myself later this month with the Ulta gift cards I got for Christmas. 

So, that about wraps up the week, and almost the year.  I apologize for a few lame posts, but we're coming into a new year and I'm looking forward to a few over-the-road adventures.  I'm hoping to have some good pictures and interesting stories to tell!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2016: One More Day
2015: I Hope You Feel Small When You Stand Beside The Ocean
2014: Palm Print
2013: Give Me Ten Minutes, I'll Give You A Year

2012: Doesn't Look So Bad From A Distance
2011: They Really Mean It When They Say, “We Come To You”
2005: The Promised Land

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