Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Big Weekend Event

Not that you can see much of it in the photo, because I refused to get out of the car, but this is the big event in Shipshewana this weekend - Kite Komotion.

It was quite the hit with the locals in the area.

My highlight of the day was the old lady I met in the cottage cheese section of Meijer.

I learned about the crock cheese and egg cheese, her mother used to make, that she moved to the area from Canada as a young girl following a boy she liked, how her first language was Pennsylvania Dutch, that her husband graduated from Purdue with a doctorate and became a scientist, whose work took them to Italy each year,  that her husband liked to hike the alps around Lake Maggiore when they were there and how the only thing she was in charge of on the hikes was the camera...

Ed milled around the cart several times, leaving and coming back because I was so engrossed in conversation.  I just felt like she wanted to talk and I have a soft spot for old people. 

Ask Ed...I know just the story he'll tell you.

So it looks like we'll have the weekend in Indiana, which is fine with me because I have a little project to work on. 

I'll fill you in tomorrow!

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2012: Bringing The Sea To The Sleeper Bunk
2011: The Lonely Road
2010: Boys’ Town, Old Digs And A Non-Working Number
2009: She Needs To Wear A Bell
2008: Budding
2007: I Hate When He Does That
2006: The Toes Of Summer Are Peeking Out
2005: Sorry, no post on this day. The blog didn’t start until May 2005!

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