Thursday, May 10, 2018

Running Through Oil Fields

We've been going back and forth across the southwest for weeks.  I'm either driving in the dark or greeting the day.  There never seems to be more than three cars on the road at a time, until I get to the oilfields of west Texas.

Then I usually hit "traffic".  Mostly men, almost always in a pickup truck, starting their day just before the sun breaks the horizon.  It starts in Monahans and picks up as I travel east through Odessa, Midland, and Big Spring.  It starts to taper off around Sweetwater.  Once I hit Abilene it's quiet again and the traffic dies down until I hit the outskirts of Fort Worth. 

I prefer the eastern half of Texas with its trees and grass, but every time I drive through the Permian Basin and see names like Schlumberger, Occidental, Chevron, Exxon, and Halliburton to name a few, I'm reminded about what's going on in this part of the country. 

The pump jacks are always going.  The oil is always flowing.

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Famous Desert Singers

2016: Work In Progress
2015: Music City Drive-By
2014: I'll Meet You At Sue's
2013: And Then The Rains Came
2012: When You Need To Point Out Which One Is Herb
2011: A Road Diverged In The Wood And I Lived To Tell About It
2010: I’m A Researchin’ Fool
2009: The Closest I’ll Ever Come
2008: Who Is He Kidding?
2007: The Captain Of My Vessel
2006: Baking Is Fun!
2005: Sticks And Stones

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