14,000 --- Gallons of fuel used
$376.42 --- Money spent at Starbucks
78,750 --- Miles driven
44 --- States I've been to
65 --- Approximate gallons of Diet Coke I've drank
12 --- Times a day I have to pee (as a result of drinking it)
10 --- Hours a day I usually sleep
121 --- Times a day Eddie annoys me
0 --- Times a day I annoy Eddie (according to him - which I so don't believe)
23 --- Times a day I talk to Vicki
126 --- Subway sandwiches I've eaten
32 -- Degrees below zero in Ramore, Ontario, Canada in December
94 --- Magazines I've purchased
1 --- Weddings we've attended
3 --- Times I've upgraded my cell phone plan for more minutes
1 --- Fabulous red leather bag from Italy
567 --- Times I've heard "Holla Back Girl" by Gwen Stefani
566 --- Times I've wanted to throw myself in front of traffic after hearing it
8 --- Pounds I've gained since being on the road
56 --- Hot dogs I've eaten at Daddy's hot dog cart (most likely the reason)
0 --- Moose we saw in Maine

4.5 --- Days we spent stranded in Santa Rosa, NM
115.4 --- Degrees in Odessa, TX (a.k.a. Hell on Earth)
4 --- Pairs of flip flops I've gone through
28 --- Hotel rooms we've slept in
1 --- Midgets we've seen on a motorcycle
14 --- Hours spent in D.C. traffic
5 --- Llamas owned by a female truck stop employee that Ed met
2 --- Hours spent in the Arizona sun before I turned into a Lobster
45 --- Minutes it took for me to write this post
1 --- Word for me to say goodbye
1 comment:
Salena I love this one. Very entertaining.
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