Malls decorated with holiday garb, festive tunes blaring from the speakers outside, Christmas Trees sweltering in the desert heat while waiting to be picked from the parking lot of Target; all while the temperature rises into the high seventies. It's just not right.
In truth, it's just all a little weird. There is a lot of traffic on the roads, even more shoving in the stores and the normal swarm of snowbirds that always come during the winter. Which only means that when you're rushing to the mall, you'll likely get stuck behind some eighty year old man doing thirty miles an hour in the fast lane. They have all day to shop since they're retired. Why do they have to go during the after work rush hour??
Today while my mother was decorating her tree - an artificial, scaled down version of the ones we had as children - the cat decided to get in on the action. He climbed bravely to the center of the tree and sat there while nibbling on a clear white bulb. He didn't come down until Ed shook him loose, and even then, his claws would not let go of the scratchy fake pine needles. I can't wait to see what the cat is going to be up to once my mother has all of her ornaments on the tree. Most of them are glass, so I suspect a lot of shouting will be done.

I personally think you'd have to be out of your mind to look at these weeds, dirt and green crap and think "Oh, how festive! Please pass the figgy pudding."
It really must be strange to be celebrating Christmas where it doesn't look like Christmas.
That pic of the kitty in the tree is too cute.
OMG, why the hell don't you go some place cold for the holiday?
I love that pic of the kitty!!
The ones I used to have liked to curl up under the tree for naps. :)
Thats how I felt the year my ex and I were hotshotting to Miami every other week. It's very odd to have palm trees with Christmas lights and Nativity Scenes in the front yards near yucca plants.
As much as I hate the cold weather, I'll keep my Christmas in the North, thanks.
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