When Big Hair And Denim Were King
I believe this picture was taken in February of 1991, but it might have been 1990 - so I guess I would have been 23 here. I am wearing my favorite three-quarter length denim coat with multiple pockets and drawstrings, one of my many gold rope chains (my uncle is a jeweler!) and the big hair. I love that hair. It wasn't "Long Island" big, but it was definitely "New York" big. I'm sure I thought I was totally bitchin'.And I was, wasn't I??
I'm not sure that "bitchin'" even covers it.
And I can't even imagine the amount of hair spray that was used across at least the US during those years. Just. Wow.
I think "bitchin" is an understatement.
You were yes ..... totally! That is as long as "bitchin" is a good thing!!
wicked awesome!
OMG, I love it! I thought I was in 1980.
Dude you rock!
I could never work the big hair phenom for more than an hour at a time. My HUGEMONGOUS cowlick and dead straight hair would part right in the center and then lay flat (more like 70s hair) no matter what I did. I was gutted about it in junior high. I didn't want anything like I wanted high bangs. I still get upset when I see my 7th grade year book photo. A flat nest of hair.
So sad.
Wow! Talk about revisiting the past. I miss the 80's!
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