Wednesday, October 13, 2010

We Interrupt Our Regularly Scheduled Blogging For A Word From Our Blogger

Well, here I am in Italy and I can't freakin' blog a thing. By the time I get back to the villa or hotel or wherever we're staying, the internet doesn't work or it's too slow to do anything. I'm ready to tear my hair out.

So....please check back just in case I get a good connection. If you don't see much, come back in a week and I'll be posting again from the United States.


Lipstick Trucker said...

Ciao silly girl STOP trying to blog. All your readers know you are on vacation. Please stop worrying about the blog and start having fun. This is your vacation your not to work...... Love you, Kelly xoxo

Pat said...

I concur. No blogging. Have a great time in Italy.

Gil said...

Have fun. We'll wait!!!

Katie said...

I agree with the above - you are in ITALY! Enjoy it and save the awesome pictures I know you are going to post for when you get home. :)

Hope you are having an awesome time!


Terry said...

No worka today crazy lady..

The Daily Rant said...

You are all so super great!! I will not worry about blogging since it seems to be too time consuming to pull off while I'm here.

I will look for you all when I get back and post everything in a daily fashion to correspond with what I did each day.

Tomorrow we are off to either Pompeii or the Amalfi Coast - depends on the weather.

Ciao tutti!

june in florida said...

We will wait, are you buying any awsome Italian fashion?