Friday, May 13, 2016

Un Pingüino Prepares For The Ride Of His Life

Photo of Maezy sniffing the pingüino by MacG.
While thrift shopping this week, I came across this penguin.  I had no idea what it was - I was thinking ice bucket (his head comes off) - but after some research, I decided he was obviously created to replicate Emil A. Schuelke's circa 1936 silver-plated Napier penguin cocktail shaker.

I had to get him.  He was perfect.

Perfect for what, you ask?

Perfect for travel to India, that's what!

Let me explain.

My friend Greg and his friend William are traveling to India in August (cray cray!) to do The Rickshaw Run.

A 2,100 mile trip from Shillong, India in the north, to Kochi, India in the south to raise money for their three chosen charities, the trip will be made in what many people call a Tuk Tuk.  So, essentially, a three-wheeled motorcycle with a roof.

The penguin comes into the picture because they've decided the name of their team is going to be Dos Pingüinos - Two Penguins.  But since I could only find un pingüino, he'd have to be given a special place on the Tuk Tuk.  Hood ornament?  Mascot?  Candy dish? 

Whatever purpose he serves, he'll have a helluva story to tell.  Well, to have told for him.

In the meantime, you should probably head over to the Dos Pingüinos FUNDRAISER PAGE and donate to their crazy adventure.

100% - that's EVERY CENT - of donations received will go to the charities.  All the other crap that happens on the trip will be paid for by Greg and William.  

And as the CrowdRise fundraising site states:  If you don't give back no one will like you.
And you really don't want to be on the shit list of a pingüino. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2015: Cash Only Seafood
2014: Exactly
2013: Cottage Industry
2012: The Whole World
2011: Weekend Retreat
2010: I Might Even Give It An Academy Award
2009: Two Poles, One Man, No Fish
2008: When You Don’t Have Time To Make More Than One Trip
2007: A Mother Of A Mother
2006: Could You Love William Perry?
2005: Herding The Blogger Sheep


Linda said...

Awesome post. I love thrift shopping. Nice find and pretty cat! Thank you so much for sharing, and warm greetings from Montreal, Canada. :)

Belledog said...

That sounds great! Good luck to the Pinguinos. Love the penguin shaker.

The Daily Rant said...

LINDA: Thanks for taking time to comment. Our cat is great! And thrifting is such fun! I love Montreal - I need to get back there to explore again soon!

BELLEDOG: The penguin was a great find! I'll talk to you soon!