Thursday, September 08, 2011

End Of Summer Rainbow

Ed took this picture yesterday afternoon in Shipshewana, Indiana; it was actually a beautiful double rainbow, with both sides in view. It's nice and cold here, pretty much signaling the end of the summer, which I am thrilled about. We're still getting a few things done on our truck and then we'll work on getting back to work.

The hardest part about going back to work is deciding where to go. There are still plenty of places in the country that are hot and I'd like to stay out of them if possible. My birthday is also this month, so I would like to end up somewhere fabulous to do a couple of days off to celebrate. Ed always makes sure we do something great for my birthday. And a visit to see my best friend in Nashville will be in the works after that - it's been way too long since I've seen her!

Boy, it's shaping up to be a busy September already.


Callie said...

ooo pretty :)
love your blog


Belledog said...

I think you and Eddie need to sashay this way to celebrate that birthday.

There's Catalina except -- damn -- it's an island.

However, an island about 70 minutes by ferry ride (serving Kendall-Jackson Cabernet, yet) from lots to do.

Mountains, seashores, desert.

Come, come, come. We shall cook you a good dinner.



Gil said...

Great picture! The only time I've seen rainbows recently I've been in my car without a camera.