Thursday, March 01, 2012

A Quick Update

I cannot believe we're already into the third month of the year! January and February just flew. We were off in January, but February hardly felt like a work month. We were steadily busy but nothing crazy - we only did five loads.

We're heading home with this last load and while there, I'll be seeing my dentist again. I love her, as I've mentioned in the past, but I'm not too thrilled about having to see her again so soon. It's nothing major - just popping out a temporary crown to put in a permanent one, so I should be in an out in no time.

I gave a tons of clothes to Goodwill last month and bought a few new things, so while I'm home I'll comb through the rest of my stuff and leave whatever I don't need. I'd like to buy a few new things for the warmer weather that's coming, but it can wait. When we're home I like to clean the truck thoroughly and pull things out of the cabinets and re-organize. I also need to tackle the cab - I've been only doing basic sweeping up there but I really need to get into the grooves with a toothbrush and make it shine like new.

Ed will work on installing the rest of our video cameras and set up the DVR to record more exciting road happenings. He's the Gadget King and will probably have the truck torn apart while he runs wires, etc.

So as you can see, there's not much to report. I have several posts which are half-written - ideas, topics I want to cover, things I love, etc. - and I'm hoping to pull at least one of those together to get me up to date.

I'll see you soon - please come back and check in!

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It Takes Nothing To Win A Contest
2 YEARS AGO: Sorry, no post for this day.
The Hags Hit The Big Time
One Thing At A Time
Snaking Across Broadway
Psssst! Wanna Buy A Hot Dog Truck?

1 comment:

Gil said...

Better clean before all of that hot AZ Sun comes rolling in! Hope you two are well.