Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Where Are The Cushy Couches And Fat Laps?

This is the Pet Exercise Area at an interstate rest area.  This one happens to be in New Mexico, hence the reason there is no grass, no landscaping, no charm or beauty whatsoever.  I suppose this is fine for people traveling with dogs.  Or kids.

But what about us cat lovers?  Where do our precious little furballs get to play?

I don't see a windowsill, a stuffed mouse, a piece of string, or a laser pen anywhere.

Of course, many cats aren't even interested in those things.  They're just looking for a cushy couch and a fat lap.

They really need to visit my mother's house.

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2012: The Stealth Trucker
2011: Aisles Filled With Q-Tips
2010: Lights, Camera, Action!
2009: Desktop Material
2008: C’mon In
2007: Eddie Hits The Bricks Friday
2006: Built With The Organization Gene
2005: Sorry, no post on this day. The blog didn’t start until May 2005!


Belledog said...

Now I find the austere scene most beautiful. Particularly with the mountain range in the background.

Face it, Salena, you just can't take a bad picture.

And there are trucking cats, a fact which astounds me.

We had the "gets her head stuck in the steering wheel" and "has to be transported in a box" cat.

The Daily Rant said...

Belledog: Thanks for the compliment, but you're just partial to the wild, wide open West! And I love when I see a trucking cat. I want one!!