Monday, November 05, 2018

THIS Is What We Should Never Forget

The Dohány Street Synagogue, also known as the Great Synagogue, is located in Budapest, Hungary.  It is the second largest operating synagogue in the world and home to the Raul Wallenberg Memorial Park, where you'll find a Holocaust Memorial known as the Emanuel Tree or the Tree of Life.

The tree was designed by Imre Varga.  Each leaf of the tree is inscribed with the names of Hungarian Jews that were killed during the Holocaust. In addition to the tree are four red marble slabs commemorating the 240 non-Jewish Hungarians who saved Jews during the Holocaust.  Raoul Wallenberg - a Swedish diplomat who prepared protective passports under the authority of the Swedish Embassy, saving the lives of thousands of Jews - was one of the most heroic figures of the Holocaust in Hungary. 
The memorial is sponsored by The Emanuel Foundation of New York.  The foundation was founded in 1987 by actor Tony Curtis in honor of his father, Emanuel Schwartz, who emigrated to New York from 
Mátészalka, Hungary.

To close this post, I'd like to remember the lives of the eleven people recently killed (October 27, 2018) at The Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.  It was the deadliest attack on the Jewish Community in the United States.

This has got to stop.

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2017: Ursus Maritimus At Night
2016: Ks For Charity
2015: Laundry, Y'all
2014: I Led The Turtle Convoy
2013: Where You Could Once Find A Bunch Of Damned Texans
2012: The Only Kind Of Pasty Ed Is Going To Get Me To Consider 
2011: What Would You Think If You Saw A Grown Woman Climbing Out Of A Big Rig Wearing Pajamas?
2010: The Machines Might Be Old But The Smokers Start Young
2009: Don’t Take It For Granite
2008: Yes We Did!!
2007: Green Acres Is The Place To Be, Solar Living Is The Life For Me
2006: Hail To Our Beautiful Maine Coon Mascot
2005: Weekend In Nature

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