Sunday, June 02, 2024

A Deep Need For Expression

The love of flags runs deep in Texas (and other places, too).  This display was from a tiny town about two hours south of Dallas.  I don't understand people who fly flags.  Especially political ones or controversial ones.  Why do you have such a need for other people to know where you stand?  Why do you have a need, period, for people to know what you like or dislike?  I truly don't get it.  

On the other hand, it does weed out the people I don't want to associate with.  Thanks for the heads up!

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2023: Sorry, no post on this day.
2022: Sorry, no post on this day.
2021: Sorry, no post on this day.
2020: Sorry, no post on this day.
2019: Sorry, no post on this day.
2018: A Beautiful Leisurely Ride
2017: The Center Of Attention

2016: Yeah, Right
2015: When We Were Young
2014: Wicked Cool And Honkin' Big
2013: The Race Is On
2012: Still In The Limelight
2011: Listen Up!
2010: Spread Sunshine All Over The Place
2009: The New New York Skyline And The Good Old NYPD
2008: Lining Up For Lobster Season
2007: Worth Every Penny
2006: Conscious But Very Disoriented
2005: Stuck In A Southern Vortex

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