Saturday, December 29, 2012

Winter Rest

Places that are usually teeming with people in warmer months, are ghost towns come winter.  This rest area, with only one car in the entire lot, is a perfect example. 

I happen to think rest areas at night are creepy in general - not so much the huge ones with Starbucks, Sbarro and Au Bon Pain - but ones like this, with a few bathrooms and an area for vending machines and useless traveler coupon books, makes me glad I have facilities in my truck and don't have to get out to pee.

The best part about vacant rest areas is, even if the truck parking side is jam packed, you can always sneak into the car side with no problems at all.  It's very rare that you'll get a rush of travelers at three in the morning - summer or winter.

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2011: Happy 5005!
2010: It Really Doesn’t Need Any Help
2009: The Day The Music Lived
2008: It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas
2007: He Raises A Valid Point
2006: Eddie In Stripes Friday
2005: Customer Service Vigilante

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