Monday, May 20, 2024

Pitch And Roll On May Long Weekend


The ferry ride from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada to Port Angeles, Washington, United States was rougher than usual.  It was very windy and quite chilly when we left and once we got out of the harbor into the open water, the waves made for a rocky ride.

We were tossed from side to side for quite a while, with people darting back and forth as they zig-zagged through the boat.  I was worried that the items in our truck parked below deck were being strewn about, but when we got back to it, everything was still in place.

We hit land around 9:00 in the evening - the crossing is only an hour and a half - so we didn't have to endure the roll for too long.

I'm disappointed we didn't get to stay longer this visit and enjoy the May Long Weekend festivities that are planned in honor of Queen Victoria.  We're missing a parade!

To my Canadian Friends - Happy Victoria Day!

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2023: Sorry, no post on this day.
2022: Sorry, no post on this day.
2021: Sorry, no post on this day.
2020: Sorry, no post on this day.
2019: Sorry, no post on this day.
2018: Maintenance Man
Always Check Your Mirrors

2016: Summer Fun!
2015: Hudson Glow
2014: What Lies Behind The Gates And Beneath The Gilding
2013: Super Smooth Ride
2012: Handling Meat For Over 144 Years
2011: Investing In Your Investment – Part Two

Here’s Your Sign

2009: A Mini And Me
2008: Wild In Tennessee
2007: Isn’t There A Third Evil?
2006: What The Hell Is This?? 
2005: Sorry, no post for this day.

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