We had a load this week that took us a mile from the White House - elevator parts going to a building on K Street. You can see where we were, the blue dot is us. To the west, New York Avenue takes you straight to the White House and to the east, Massachusetts Avenue takes you toward the State Capitol.
It was extremely cold during the unload, but that wasn't the worst of it. The worst was the traffic. It took us two and a half hours to drive 79 miles from the location we shut down the night before. We had to be on site at 7:00 am. Who orders an 18-wheeler into downtown Washington, DC in the middle of morning rush hour??
Neither one of us mind driving in traffic, meaning we don't avoid cities like some other drivers do. There are many drivers who say "No Northeast" because they don't like to deal with the crush of people and cars and trucks and taxis and whatever else that might be in their way. I grew up in New York, cut my teeth on tri-state traffic, drove to the Jersey Shore for the beach, Manhattan for nights out, and even drove to a concert in Connecticut once in the middle of a snowstorm. Ed doesn't love traffic, he'd rather wait it out. I like to people watch from high on my big rig perch.
We unloaded in the street, a practice that requires us to call our safety department in advance so we don't violate the policy they have in place typically forbidding that kind of action. Since it was a job-site with no other option, by alerting them in advance, in addition to putting out triangles and turning on four-way flashers, we minimize some of the risk of being involved in an "incident". The street we were on was permitted as a construction unloading zone and it wasn't very busy, so we got in and out with no problem.
Next we're heading North. Maybe we'll run into some of that beautiful white stuff.
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2013: Loving What's On The Inside
2012: When You Walk Like That, Talk Like That, Look Like That...
2011: Like And Loathing In Las Vegas
2010: Get Fresh With Me…Please!
2009: In The Blink Of An Eye
2008: Duck, Duck, Drake
2007: The Lady And Sons
2006: The Department Of Mindless Vegetables
2005: Ooo Rah Johnny Cash!
Good old DC, just like driving in Boston. Give me Manhattan any day! The first time there I got lost going to JFK's funeral. Second time there got lost going to visit my younger sister at Catholic University of America. I can't imagine driving there now with all of the security! You guys deserve a medal.
Let us know if you're in our neck of the woods (Bronx/City Island). We would love to see you and Ed.
GIL: I'm totally with you! I'd do any of the boroughs any day of the week. DC is just crazy, and there's nowhere for us to park if needed. We had to "time" our arrival...didn't go exactly as planned but we made it.
ANON: I know, I know! When we're sitting around with extra time we'd love to come out and see you. One of these day, I promise! Hugs and kisses to all.
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